A new me...

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We decided to get some pizza, we went to the small pizza place near the hospital cause my mother refuse to let me go further than that

Even though I tried convincing her I was fine but she refuse to acknowledge it, she wanted to keep me safe in the stress free area, mothers!

Therefore, we went in and ordered our food I ordered a BBQ chicken pizza because I wanted something different and Amy ordered her regular four-cheese pizza, then we found a table and sat down

"You seem different today" she looked at me with an eyebrow rose

"I feel different...like I’m a new me" I said she looks at me for a second then nod

"I been meaning to ask you...” she paused when the waitress came over with our drinks,

 We thanked her and I took my cup and start sipping it, I ordered coca-cola, which is not my usual order, I usually ordered tea

"What is that on your hand?" I looked up from my drink to her

"Uh I’m not sure actually" she looked at it still her face showed some recognition, but with a little confusion

"My wolf gave me she said it’s to protect me" I said looking at the jaded flower in my palm

"Kira...mine is not fake mine is real I just cover it" I looked up at her

"Did your wolf give it to you?" she smiles and rubbed hers


"Why? I mean why give us this. What are they?" she looks at me still rubbing hers

"This are marks of fighters, when something tragic happens our wolfs will come up to us and give us this rocks and tell us it’s to protect us, and it is but you have to learn to use it the right way, cause in the wrong hands it could destroy everything" I looked at her now confused

"It’s the mark of a fighter kira, it means that instead of you before timid, mellow, and fragile you are now strong, and bad ass!" she said smiling I laughed shaking my head,

The server came over with our pizza and set them in front of us once she left I dunged in as if I have not eaten in years, Amy just laughed and dunged in to hers

After we were done, we got up and decided to go take a walk out in the park, as we were walking, someone rode his bike towards me but he was not paying attention until the last minute then he called out

"Watch out!" I turned around and saw him coming towards me what happened next shocked me

I jumped so high that I was able to avoid him, but at the same time I crouch on the tree branch looking at him pass by

Amy was looking at me amused and I was shocked as hell because this was very high, I looked at Amy not knowing what to do then she smiled knowing I needed help because there were many humans around looking at the tree I was in but I doubt they saw me there

"man gymnastics!" she said laughing and looking at the people around us trying to convince them that it was all the work of gymnastics I smiled at her bright idea, then she looked back at me and smile

"Well then my friend jump down so the people can see how awesome you are" I look at her with wide eyes

"No" I mouthed she just stood there looking at me

'Why?' she asked through the mind link

'It too much exposure, we need to get out' she slightly nod her head, she screamed looking towards the road trying to make a distraction

"Omg! What’s that?" when everybody started looking towards the road and running to the side to look Amy jumped up

"Hey are you ok?" she asked

"Yeah just thought it was too much exposure and I really don’t want to deal with silo and his dad" I sighed she nods but did not give me a pity look or sympathy that is why I love her

"Let’s go home, I already texted your brother telling him we're coming" I nod, jumped to the next tree

When we were finally out of the human eye site, went down and started walking in silence

"He rejected me," I finally confessed

"I know" I looked at her shocked

"How?" she smiled

"Remember when I told you I hit him?" I nod

"Well before that he told me what he did"


"You didn't really pay attention at the hospital did you?" I smiled sheepishly 

"Sorry" she laughed shaking her head

"It’s alright" it was silent again

"Are you going to forgive him?" she asked

I was about to say yes when I was hit with a sharp pain through my heart I stopped in my tracks and held my heart I tried holding on to the tree next to me but I lost my grip and fell on my knees Amy turned around and ran over to me when she saw me

"What’s wrong?" she asked holding my shoulder

"I...I...ahhh" I tried telling her I do not know but the pain was too much I was clutching to my chest so hard that my knuckles turned Wight then my other hand was clutching the ground also turning Wight

"What’s wrong kira?” Amy screamed, I couldn't get a word out, I couldn't hear her after that all I heard was my wolf howling in pain and repeating the one word

'mate' she didn't have to tell me what’s wrong I already knew then as fast as it came it was gone I stayed like that for a minute then I heard Amy still asking what’s wrong, I slowly lifter my head up pissed as hell and I guess it showed on my face cause Amy gasped

"I been rejected" was all I said before I turned wolf and ran the opposite direction followed by Amy.

The Broken  (Book 1: Broken series)Where stories live. Discover now