chapter two

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Allison nodded in response and started to walk away, but Lori grabbed her arm gently, making her pull it towards her instantly. "Are you going out?"

The blonde squinted at the woman, wondering what she would ask. Rick and his group have been here for a little more than a week and Allison was starting to trust some of them, Lori being one of them. She doesn't look like she could kill anything, as she was too busy on trying to get Shane and Rick on her good side without the two fighting.

That was another thing Allison was good at, was reading people. But for some reason, she couldn't read Daryl Dixon, which was strange.

"Yeah, why?" She finally answered the brunette woman.

"Uh... can you maybe do me a favor?" Lori asked hesitantly.

Allison pursed her lips, thinking about being helping this woman. After the two woman stared at each other for about a minute, Allison finally nodded her head.

"Ok, uh..." Lori trailed off, handing her what looked like a list, Allison took it out from her hands slowly, giving her a faded smile.

"Thank you so much." Lori reached up to touch her shoulder and Allison shrugged away, not wanting to he touched.

"Yeah, it's no problem." Allison was walking towards the horse stables and saw Glenn, walking the same way.

"Hey!" Allison yelled, startling him for a second.

"Hey?" Glenn greeted her, but it came out more as a question.

Allison noticed him starting to saddle up a horse. "You going on a run?"

Glenn nodded. "Uh, yeah."

"Cool. I'm coming with." Allison saddled up a horse as well, nervous Nelly to be exact.

"Um..." Glenn started, nervously licking his lips. "I was planning on going alone..." He trailed off when he noticed that Allison gave him a stern look. "Okay, yeah. You can come."

The two got on to the horses within a couple of minutes and went the way towards the pharmacy.


Allison killed the lone walker that was outside from the small store when the two approached. The woman went straight to what Lori asked her to get, with Glenn walking in right behind her.

Abortion pills. Was what the list said that Lori had given her. She looked through all the labels on the pill bottles on the counter and grabbed all the ones that were labeled 'pregnancy'.

Once she was done stuffing them in her bag, she walked to where Glenn was and saw the guy holding a box of condoms, and it didn't take Allison long to put the pieces together.

"So you're screwing my sister now?" She laughed as he turned around with wide eyes, startled that she could be so quiet.

"Uh-uh... well." He stammered, not really knowing how to answer that question.

Allison snickered and then walked towards the back, looking for some things she might need, and she was surprised at how many things she found in the store, as if no one goes here.

As she was looking at all the pill bottles, she felt a pair of cold hands grab her shoulders, making her turn around and come face to face with a walker. She screamed in pain as the dead body fell on top of her, knocking her and the whole shelf with her, her back making a loud cracking sound.

"Allison!" Glenn yelled, running over to where she was, seeing a walker on top of her as she struggled to grab her weapon. He pulled put his machete, instantly putting it in the dead's head, ending all it's movements.

Allison pushed the body off from her before Glenn had the chance to. He held out his hand, making Allison smack it away. "I got it." As she got up from the floor however, she felt a sharp pain in her lower back, making her stumble over and into Glenn.

"Woah, are you okay?" Glenn asked, hesitantly holding her arms to keep her steady.

"I'm fine!" Allison yelled, making him furrow his eyebrows at her stubbornness.

She put her backpack over her shoulders, walking out from the shop with a slight limp.

She got onto Nelly, not bothering to wait for Glenn. "Allison, wait!" She heard him yell from behind her.

"I'm gonna be out here for a little longer, so you can go back to the farm." She said shortly.

"Allison, you're injured." Glenn stated with a sigh.

"I'm fine, Glenn. Just go." Allison sighed heavily, giving him a pleading look.

"Maggie won't forgive me if I left you out here alone." He said lowly, but loud enough for Allison to hear.

"It's not her decision. It's not yours either." Glenn thought for a couple more seconds before finally nodding his head, telling her to be careful, but not before Allison gave him the bottles of pills for him to take back to Lori.

"Be safe." With that, he rode off, leaving Allison alone in the woods.

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