forty-one // surprising news

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"Um.. you see.. I.." I stuttered. 

My dad sighed, rubbing the temples of his cheeks. "Christi, really? A fight? You're-"

"Not the type of girl to get in a fight? I know, I've heard.."

"Yeah, that. Listen, that's not just what we wanted to talk about."

"Wait, what?" 

"Christi, listen. Remember in your freshman class back in New York, you had that test that determined what elective classes you would take in junior and senior year?" My mom asked.

"Um.. yeah. I remember that." I said, recalling that test I took. In my opinion, the test was kinda stupid, but it's supposed to help you get into the right classes that you'd excel in. Basically help you get into a good college because of those grades and all that stuff.

"Well, we got a call from your old school. Since you left that school, you obviously didn't need to take those classes anymore. But apparently, the classes you got in would let you get enough credits for both junior and senior year if you ace them!" My mom cheered. Wait, what?

"I'm confused." I said to my parents, who were beyond happy.

"Oh well we had a talk and thought maybe you'd want to go back to New York for junior year? Just that year for those classes, then you could come back here for senior year. We called your school and they said that it'd be okay for you to go back to New York for junior year. That's also when we heard about the fight, but we'll discuss that later. Basically what we're saying is; If you take this opportunity, this could help you get into an amazing college Christi! We're really proud of you!" 

Go back to New York? For junior year?

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, their smiles disappearing.

"Oh.. you don't want to do it? Well.. that's okay sweetheart. It's your decision." My dad weakly smiled. My heart then dropped. They really wanted me to take this opportunity. But that meant.. leaving here. 

"I didn't say that I didn't want to go. I'll.. just.. think about it." I told them. 

"Oh really? Okay then! Just tell us anytime until next week because we'd need to call your old school back and tell them whether or not you'll be back." 

I nodded and went back upstairs, but I didn't go to my room. I walked over to the door, opening it and jumping onto the person, hugging them tight.

"Christi? What's wrong?" Justin asked. 


"Wow." Justin said. I explained everything that happened in the kitchen and how I didn't know what to do, so I went to one of the people I relied on most. 

"What do I do Justin? Like, I want to do this for mom and dad, but I don't want to leave here.. I got friends here too.." I trailed off.

"I really don't know, to be honest. You just have to do what you want to do."

"But that's the problem! I can't choose." I yell in frustration, pulling at the roots of my hair.

"Hey, it's okay.. You still have a week to decide. In my opinion, I'd go. I know that you don't wanna leave these guys, but remember, you could always come back for senior year." Justin reminded. He's right...

"Yeah.. I'm thinking about it. Should I ask Arianna about it too?" 

"If you wanna.." 

I nodded and got up. "Thanks Justin." 

He smiled and I walked out his room, going to Arianna's. I knocked on her door and heard her say 'Come in!' I walked into her room and sat on her bed.

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