Chapter 67 - Freed

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Had Zach actually been aiming correctly and not over come with rage he might have landed a shot but the bullet flew to the side and straight through the wooden structure.

James ducked and dragged Elizabeth back inside, shutting the door and breathing heavily from the shock that he let his guard down too quickly. She turned around and held onto James from the waist, "did it hit you?!?" She asked looked up at him in grave concern.

He shook his head, "I'm fine...I really believed those fuckers." He said with a disappointing face, "they said they wouldn't...Elizabeth we can't trust anyone. But it doesn't matter, I'm taking you out of here just hang on for me." He kissed her forehead and then walked back to the window.

"You damn liars! Burn in hell!" He shouted at them before knocking over the canisters, spilling the smelly gas all over the floor. He got another one and sprayed the walls of gas, covering all of them to make sure it burned quickly.

Zach was pinned to the floor and Victor came over squating in front of him, "Do you realize what you've done? He was about to hand himself over! You've jeopardized everyone's safety!!"

"I was trying to get him! He deserves to die! Not to be taken to a hospital!" Zach growled back at him.

"Goddamit kid! This ain't about you! No one dies under my watch you hear? Now stay out of it!"

Before he could even turn back to assess how to rectify the situation, he heard the other officers gasp when the shack was lit on fire.

"Call the fire department!! Where's that ambulance?!" One of them shouted.

Elizabeth was choking from the fumes, but held onto James entrusting him with her life.

James kicked carefully at the back wall, the rotting wood gave way easily with a few kicks he created a small hole for them to crawl out of from the back. The fire would at least slow the detective down.

"LIZ!!" cried Zach when his eyes watched in horror as the shed began to release smoke and the fire absorbed the front door and small window.

Victor rushed towards it, eager to save them. If not both then at least one of them.

The other officer went to help him, but a small burst of fire exploded pushing them back. "Sir we can't!"

Zach got up from the floor, now that he was no longer held down he went towards the small burning building, alongside it hoping to find another means of entry that wasn't already blocked by the flames. He felt completely useless, he couldn't lose Elizabeth now. Not when she was so close, he couldn't have her slip away from his fingers to be dragged down by this demon. He had to save her; he was too late to save his sister but surely...surely God would grant him the mercy of saving Elizabeth.

He gripped at his hair bewildered in desperation of trying to find a way inside to reach her. The smoke was becoming unbearable even from outside, he couldn't help but cough as his lungs began to breath in the hot air until finally, he noticed the small hole in the back.

"Lizzy?!" he coughed, his eyes began to tear from the burning gas and rotted wood, he tried to get close to the hole but saw nothing other than flames. He looked all around searching for the officers to help somehow but that's when he stopped short, he could hear the sound of rustling leaves somewhere off in the distance, barely noticeable over the sound of the engulfing flames. He decided to follow it the sound instead. They couldn't be too far behind.

James was struggling with Elizabeth, she had inhaled too much smoke and could barely walk much less run. She was coughing so much it was difficult for her to breath.

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