That boy

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Hes so fragile

So weak, that he can break into pieces

His mind is filled with unlimited darkness

That nothing can calm his storms


These were the thoughts I loved to hear

He stares himself down

Looking at his feet

Tilting the top of his shoes to the side
And slowly letting himself sit in this cold shadowy place

He's so


Why does he abuse himself like that

Letting himself go through this much pain

Beating himself up like this

And craves for loneliness every time

His body couldn't move

That it felt like he was dying with fatigue

He can't explain himself

He doesn't make any sense
So his feelings were kept in

Consequently pushes people away from him

"I have to be perfect"


That was the start

He makes people worry

Letting himself die of hunger

And shutting himself out

That it left him being so out of place

So brutal

So wrenched

As he continues to cry on his own
His thoughts is now conquering his dreadful mind

Creating such wounds that is hidden by his stupid smile

That boy

Is going through hell


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