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Miley's POV

I woke up the next morning with Nick staring at me with wide eyes like he'd been up for hours. My first instinct was to scowl.

"What?" I grumbled.

He hesitated, mouth hanging open like an idiot "You're up."

"Glad to hear that, I thought I was going to wake up dead." I said, already acting short-fused the second I'm up. Fucking Nick.

"I was going to make you breakfast but I didn't know what you want."

"Well, that's a first," I snorted, he only smiled like a dumbass who didn't get a joke. It made me soft and considered giving him an actual answer. "I wan’t a Buddha bowl. You can just order some,"

"I can make that. Don't worry. Anything else?" He asked, beginning to sit up.

What's this? Nick taking orders without being told to? Have I woken up in an alternate reality? Whatever explanation this has I knew I'd be stupid to not take advantage of it. "A smoothie would be nice. Blueberries and bananas...and also some kale."

He scrunched his nose like he was opposed to that combination of food, but got up like it didn't want to make him put his hand into the blender instead. "Coming right up."

I almost laughed menacingly, but it occurred to me that Nick's just being the amazing fiance that he is. Of course, the usual Nick would just make me whatever he feels like making while he obnoxiously implies that he wants something in return. I heard the blender downstairs after some time and decided I should go and have my breakfast.

Nick was shocked when he saw me in the kitchen. "Is there something on my face?" I raised an eyebrow, taking a seat on the island.

"I um," He chuckled sheepishly, looking down at the tray he'd use for breakfast-in-beds. I giggled in disbelief "You were gonna do that, huh?"

"I figured you needed some more rest,"

"Well, you're not wrong." I said, mixing the contents of my bowl that Nick had neatly arranged."But whatever,"

Nick proceed on making his own breakfast; it smelled like toast and scrambled eggs. Sausages and bacon. He claims he has a lot of signature dishes, but this one is his Amazing Breakfast Meal, it'd take him time and precision to make it the way he loves it. I'd know, he only makes them when he's got time and patience in the morning.

"What time are you going to studio?" I asked.

He glanced at me over his shoulder "Oh, I'm not."

I sat my glass down "You were, weren't you?"

"Yeah...but I thought I'd stay home today." He smiled at me.

"Any plans?" I inquired, curious and suspicious.

"Uh...walk around shirtless. Yeah..."

I raised an eyebrow, but forget about it I deserve all this from Nick. It's about damn time he starts slaving his ass for the queen again without being difficult about it. "So all of this is to have some sex?" I implied, he looked at me with a blank face "Is that what you want?"

Why is he acting stupid all of a sudden? Me out of all people know he's a genius, with the ability to fuck with someone's head and then act like he didn't mean to.

I shook my head innocently. He turned away and continued on his cooking, but from this angle, muscular back working the frying pan and that bare neck literally asking to be kissed and sucked, boxers tight around his butt, feeling me staring him down and looking around to give me the intentionally cute but unintentionally sexy smile...why yes, Nick some sex would be good right now.

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