Part 13

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We all start to walk to our next classes, which was chorus for me. When we all take our seats, I feel another tap on my knee. I look up, thinking that it will be Asher, but it's not this time. It is Jayden. A kid that I have known since 3rd grade. " Hey April, can I ask you something? Do you like Asher?" "Umm...I...guess? I think?" " Oooooh! Can I tell him? PLEASE???" " He already knows," I say, "unfortunately." " Well, do you want me to get you his phone number at least?" He asks. " Really? You would do that?" I say. " Of course, and besides, would guys would look so cute together." I'm DYING ON THE INSIDE!! So then I see Jayden lean over to Asher to I guess talk to him. I was guessing it went good because they were both smiling. When Jayden stopped talking to Asher, he turned back to my and gave my a big crumpled-up piece of paper. I look at it and then I look at Jayden and Asher. They are both smiling at me. This is amazing. I literally have Asher's phone number in my hands. I open it up just to make sure it looks like a real phone number, which it does. Wow.

So the next day of lunch comes and as I walk in, I hear everyone at the 2 lunch tables chanting " ASK HER OUT, ASK HER OUT!" So as I sit at the table, I look at him, and he looks at me. " Asher, your such a big idiot! Ask her out already!" " I will today, I promise." He says. Wait, did he just say he was going to ask me out. Oh my GOD. I look at him and say, " Do you just want to do it?" " Hey, trust me, I'll do it today when it feels right." He says. We both wait a few minuets and then the chant comes up again. " ASK HER OUT, ASK HER OUT!" Finally, he goes, " April, will you please be my girlfriend?" I legit have to wait about 10 seconds for the cafeteria to quiet down before I said, " Of course!" The whole entire cafeteria gets so, extremely loud. The rest of the day felt like it was a dream. I felt like I had my own bodyguard. He was there, by my side for the rest of the day. If another boy even quickly glanced at me, I could feel him glare at them. Needless to say, I got a lot of laughs for the rest of that day.

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