Chapter 7- Time turner

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> Third Person POV >

Everyone was chatting away as they walked to DADA, they were excited about today's class.. they always are "uh Harry? do you want to hang out today?" Ginny said quickly getting next to him, he was in a mid sentence with Draco "uh- yeah?" Harry said not really looking at her and she skipped away, Draco shrugged and the boys walked to class with Ron next to them.

"today we're going to talk about Boggarts, does anyone know what a Boggart looks like?" Lupin asked the class and people looked at each other "nobody knows what they look like, they change to what that person's worst, biggest fear" Hermione said "right you are Ms. Granger" Lupin said turning with his wand in his hand "so, Mr. Longbottom how about you try" and he did so..

"form a line! form a line!" Lupin said happily as they jumped around, Harry was getting pushed forward as everyone laughed "ready Mr. Malfoy?" Lupin said and Draco nodded, his wand in hand.. Snape who was looking very confused in Neville's grandmother's clothes fell to the ground and changed to Harry, his wild brunette hair was covering his pale eyes, his skin a bleached white and blood was smeared through his white shirt.. Harry was blushing brightly behind a girl.. Draco shook lightly and pointed his wand at it.. he was shaking so much he was almost in tears "Riddikulus" Lupin said and the body turned into a light smoke.. Draco was staring were the body was, his hand shaking.. Harry passed the girl and grabbed Draco's wrist and pulled him to the back of the class so Lupin can continue.. the girl's Boggart was a snake.. "Draco.. are you alright?" Harry said softly to the shaking boy.. "uh- yeah- i just.." his voice cracked and a few warm tears fell down his face "hey, Dragon, it's okay.. i'm here.. that's not me Dragon, you saved me that night sweetheart, i'm alright" Harry cooed softly, gently brushing a few tears off his face with his thumb "i know.. it's just.. i can't lose you.." Draco said softly and Harry shook his head "you'll never lose me sweetheart, i love you Dragon" Harry said in a soft whisper and Draco smiled "I love you too Lion" he said with a smile "come on, lets get class over with and we can go to the Astronomy tower alright?" Harry said softly and Draco nodded.. Harry waited for everyone to finish and took Draco by the hand. he went up stairs, past students and to the astronomy tower where they sat on the edge of the tower, their feet dangled from the side as the rest of their bodies rested on the barrier.. Harry's head ached a bit and Draco held his hand tightly "i love you Harry" Draco said in a soft, quiet whisper and Harry smiled as he watched the clouds moved slowly "i love you too Draco.." Harry said softly turning to him and Draco smiled... a light tint of red went over his cheeks as he looked at the tired looking brunette. Harry saw Draco's eyes sparkle as he smiled "your smile is so beautiful" Draco said softly and Harry smiled bigger, as a light blush went over his cheeks "you know what?" Harry said "this smile only happens when i'm with you" Harry said putting his hands on Draco's chest.. Draco brought his hands to his face and cupped it by his ears and kissed his lips hotly, Harry's heart fluttered in his chest and dragged his hands around his neck, kissing him with more passion..

They left after about a half hour later.. their lips swollen and bright pink as they walked down.. they went to Hagrid's hut where Ron and Hermione was "hey.." they said softly, bright faced "where were you two?" Ron said with a laugh and they blushed more "er- we were in the astronomy tower.." Draco said slowly and Hermione looked at Ron, they exchanged looks "talking" Harry finished and Hermione giggled "you're lips say it" she giggled and they both touched their lips softly, looking at each with a soft smile "so are they going to you know?" Ron asked Hagrid and he nodded slowly sniffling loudly "this place is so odd" a voice said outside the door after a rock hit Harry in the head. "they're early, yer guys need ter leave now" Hagrid said pushing the 4 to the door. Harry grabbed Draco's hand as they ran out the door as the Ministry walked in.. they ran to the top of the hill away from them and Draco held his hand tightly as they ran.. when they got to the top Harry gripped tighter.. Draco let go of Harry's hand and put his hands around Harry's waist and hugged him from behind "you alright?" he said softy and Harry nodded "i guess.." Harry said softly turning around, Flitch rose the sharpened axe and Harry hid his face in the crook of Draco's neck and whimpered "sh, it's alright" Draco hushed quietly, rocking him back and forth slowly.. Draco softly kissed Harry's head and put his against Harry's as he looked down.. "I love you.." Harry said in a quiet, soft whisper against Draco's skin making him blush "i love you too Lion" he replied gently rubbing up and down Harry's sides "Ow!" Scabbers had bit Ron and he dropped him.. "Scabbers! get back here!" Ron said chasing his rat, Harry, Draco, and Hermione were now running after Ron.. "gotcha!" Ron said as they stopped at the Whomping Willow.. angry growling came from the bushes and out jumped a deep black dog with razor teeth filled with foam as it barked and ran to Ron "RON!" Hermione squeaked as it grabbed him by the leg and dragged him into the tree. Harry, Draco, and Hermione slid down the dirt and coughed as they got up.. Harry reached down and grabbed Draco's hand as they walked up the weathered, moldy stairs.. "it's a trap! it's him! he's an Animagus!" Ron said holding his rat close as the 3 walked in.. they backed up when they turned around.. Harry gripped tighter.. Sirius pushed the broken door shut and smiled searingly, his hair crazy and his clothes were ripped, and dirty. Hermione held her wand up at him, "Expelliarmus!" Lupin said running in quickly, her wand fell out of her hand and she gasped.. 

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