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'Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
~ Queen, Under Pressure

"Have you texted that boy yet?" Marcus reaches over and grabs my phone from my hands as I am replying to Lucas's message on whatsapp, "you're talking to Lucas? He's the super cute one."

"I hope you mean the pain in the ass and no I have not. I've decided to ignore the message and just enjoy the two weeks I have with my baby brother." I stick my hand out, waiting for him to return my phone to me, which he does.

Thought there would be more of a fight.

"Baby my ass." Marcus scoffs as he takes a drink of his coffee, "do you think you will regret this decision though? You've been going back and forth with the whole idea of Erik, who by the way I have yet to meet."

"Come to America and you will."

"I would have to be an idiot to do that." Now it's my turn to scoff at him, "you know it's true. I bet Melinda would know the minute I set foot into the states and want my head."

"I don't think mom would."

"She disowned you and bitched to Kai's mom about you being back in Boston."

"Stop being so negative."

"Who's negative?" Kai asks as she sits down beside me in the booth with her hair still dripping wet from her shower this morning, "Did you order?"

"Marcus and I got you oatmeal with berries. I didn't think you would want any bacon or anything like that."

"Thank ya." Kai smiles before taking my glass of water and drinking from it, "what are we discussing this early morning?"

"Avril has made the decision to ignore Erik and go on with her life without him."

"That won't last." Kai comments before looking at me, "you and I both know the first time you see him your heart will stop."

"Why do you two want me with Erik so badly, is it because he's a part of your favourite band? Do you even care that he left me alone in a hotel room after I finally agreed to have sex with him or do you only care about his status? You two aren't any better than our parents. Kai, move." She does as I tell her and I head out of the attached restaurant and into the snowy streets of Dublin.

All these two have done is pressure me to be with Erik since I said I don't want to be with him.

They always seem to find reasons as to why I should be with him, never agreeing with me.

I start to head down the streets, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jacket, which luckily I grabbed before leaving the hotel.

I know I acted like a child, but I needed to get away from them and their constant pressure.

They probably want to meet the band.

I walk past the different tourist shops as I walk aimlessly with no real destination in mind, just wanting to keep my feet moving as fast as my mind.

There are some days when I question my life decisions, and being around Kai and Marcus doesn't help that situation. I just need to think about this on my own without outside influence.

I take a left as I see a beautiful stone cathedral looming in the distance, lit up by the morning sun. The light glistens off the snow covering every inch of the property.

I follow the cleared path and look in awe at the courtyard of the cathedral and how well kept the building is.

It has to be at least a thousand years old and it looks like they just placed the final stone.

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