Chapter 22

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When we arrived here in Seoul, his car was already parked in our dorm's under ground parking. He killed the engine and released a sigh.

He unbuckles his seat belt, grabbed his bag from the back seat and opened the door. He paused for a moment but didn't looked at me.

"Chalga," (good bye) he said without any hint of what he's feeling.

My throat felt dry, I swallowed the lump that's forming. I'm trying my best not to cry.

Before I could even respond, the door closed and I watch him enter his own car and leave.

Tears started to fall, why am I crying? This is what I've wanted right?

I quickly dry my tears and searched for my sunglasses. I grabbed my things and went up to our unit.

I prepared myself as I stand infront of our door. Once I enter here, cameras will be shoved in my face again and I need to pretend that I'm happy, that everything's okay.

I entered our passcode and plastered a fake smile.

"Oh, unnie!" Hera greeted me.

"Hera," I smiled at her.

"How was your trip?" she asked.

My trip?

"It was fine," I smiled.

Cindy came to my side and peered through the side of my sunglasses. I saw from my peripheral vision how her eyes turned to a worried look sighing.

"Go wash up Ariah, you have a meeting later. Here's your schedule," she said handing me the paper.

I mouthed a 'thank you' to her and she just smiled.

I quickly went up my room and showered. Changed into comfortable denims and a black shirt. I pulled out my white coat and slipped on my white chucks.

I was about to leave my room but when I saw how shitty I looked in the mirror, I decided to put on make up.

After I did, I scanned through my schedule.

9-11:00 am || Meeting with mngr. Lee
11-1:00 pm || Lunch
1-4:00 pm || Script reading
4-6:00 pm || Costume fitting
6-8:00 pm || Dinner with drama team

Script reading? I don't get this. Costume fitting and dinner with the drama team? I guess I'll find out later.

I went out the door, a camera man with me. Even though I'm stressed enough, I am going to do this for Eras.

"Eras, I'm on my way to a meeting right now with mngr. Lee. I still don't know what the agenda is but I sure am excited," I cheerfully talked to the camera.

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