Chapter eight: Rumpelstiltskin

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Bealfire ran into his fathers tent and called for him. 

''Papa! They've come for Moraine!'' Rumpelstiltskin walked him outside where the servants were trying to take the young girl.

''Don't take her! Don't take her! She's my baby!'' Her mother yelled out.

''Nonsense, she's a fine, strong girl. She'll make a fine soldier.'' Her father tried to hold her to close to himself but she was yanked away from his grip.

''She's only turning fourteen!''

''Silence! Orders of the Duke. The ogre wars have taken their season. More troops are here.'' Bealfire looked up to his father and buried his face in his chest.

''They've put the age down..'' Rumpelstiltskin held his son close when the parents started to yell that they couldn't take their daughter. They then moved their hands to their necks and heads and the servant smirked at the man on a horse in a hood.

''The dark one seems to think I can.'' He smirked and ordered his horse to move. The parents finally called down when the dark one left and Bealfire turned to his father.

''It's my birthday in three days! They'll come for me in three days...'' Rumpelstiltskin shook his head and pushed his son close to him.

''We'll find a way... we'll find a way.''

---------------Once upon a time------------------

Gold and Lillian were working in their shop when Lillian looked up. She heard the door opening and closing again.

''Gold? Are you in here?'' Lily turned to her mentor and mouthed 'Emma?' he nodded at her and mutter.

''It is my shop...'' She stood up while Gold continued to paint the Lanoline over the painting Emma walked in and stopped in her tracks, moving her hand to her nose.

''Oh gosh, what is that?'' Lillian chuckled and looked over to Rumple again.

''Oh this is Lanoline. Used for waterproofing.'' Emma moved her hand but she still looked disgusted.

''It smells like vee stock.'' Lillian excused herself from the back of the room and walked past Emma.

''Well, there is a reason why sheep's-wool holds water.'' Emma shook her head and Lily smirked to herself when she heard Emma talking again.

''It stinks... There was a reason you called the sheriff if you want to talk about that outside?'' She already turned herself around to the door when Gold quickly got up.

''I just wanted to uhm- express my condolences really. The sheriff was a good man.'' Emma softly nodded and looked to her feet when Gold noticed her badge.

''You're still wearing your deputy-badge. He's been gone two weeks now, and I believed that after working two weeks as sheriff. The job becomes yours. You have to wear the real badge.'' He explained to her while she tilted her head.

''I guess... I'm just not in a hurry. So thank you for the kind words.'' She walked out again and Lillian stopped her.

''We still have his things. The sheriff he rented an apartment Gold owns, it's another reason why he called you because he wanted to know if you wanted to have anything.'' Emma shook her head and turned away.

''I don't need anything.'' Lily took a breath and looked around her. She smirked to herself when she remembered how much Emma hated Regina and Regina's relation with Graham.

''Then I suppose this is going to madam mayor. They seemed rather close.'' Emma turned around and looked at the teenager in front of her.

''I'm not sure about that.'' Lillian raised her shoulders and opened a box. ''You don't like her that much, do you?'' Without waiting for a response she looked into the box.

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