Wait (Bill Denbrough) Pt.2

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FYI- I'm basing the older Bill off with the older Jonathan, not the actor who played the older Bill Denbrough.


After about 2 hours of driving I decided to check into a hotel for the night and visit my old house in the morning. I fall asleep, thinking about all the things that could happen.

Indeed I was a little bit frightened.


I woke up with the light shining in my face. I sit up and look at the time. It was Noon. I figured now would be the best time to visit the house my childhood took place in.

I get ready, just putting on mascara and red lipstick, I dress in my usual attire then leave.

I didn't check out, not knowing how long I'll be staying for. I get in my car and I was on my way.

While I was driving I passed a familiar spot.
The barrens. I smile at the memories of all of us losers building a damn and mostly hanging out there. My smile soon fades as I think about IT. I swallow hard and look away. I see a car parked on the side but I didn't think much of it.

I looked at all the familiar houses as I pass through the neighborhood then I see mine from a distance. Same door, same color, everything the same. I park on the side of the road in front of the house.

I smile remembering everything as I look through my car window. Though my mind didn't realize that a red car was parked in front of the house Bill used to live in nor did I see a man fairly my age leaning against the car looking at the house. He looks sad, maybe scared.

I stare at the man more and he looked just like-

No it can't be.
Face it Y/n.
It was. It surely was.

His blue eyes were vibrant and his hair was a darker blonde but his features were still recognizable.

My heart starts racing.

Damn it Y/n get out the car.

I take a deep breath and open the door. Not getting out yet. I guess he didn't realize someone was parked right behind him because he turned his head in confusion.

I get out and I make eye contact with him. His mouth parts slightly and his eyes widen a little bit.

"Haven't aged a day in your life, Denbrough." I smile and close the door. Completely hiding the nervousness inside me.

He gets up from leaning on his car and he slightly smiles. We both walk on the sidewalk and meet each other halfway between the houses we grew up in. He stares at me before he lets out a big sigh and pulls me into an embrace. An embrace I've been missing.

"Y/n L/n. How could I forget that face of yours." He breaths out as he rests his chin on top of my head as I look at both of our houses.

"Let's face it. We all forgot about everything until Mike called." I say, my voice a little shaky, my emotions trying to get the best of me.

"I know, when he said It was back I immediately thought of G-G-Georgie." He says. I loosen my grip to look up at him as he looks down at me.

"You still have your stutter." I smile as he shakes his head.

"Hardly. It came back last night when he called." He says looking ashamed.

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