Part 13: We're here for you

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Harry's POV
We started to look for Y/N, she couldn't have gotten far. I couldn't stand the fact that she was out here, alone. I can't believe Tom. How could he do this to her? He said he loved her but he kissed Julia. I hate Julia, I always have and I always will. I hope we find Y/N soon. Where could she be?

Your POV:
I ran. I didn't exactly know where I was going. I decided to go to the one other person I knew in England, Elysia. I think I knew where her apartment was.
~ a few minutes later ~
I finally found her apartment. I knocked on the door. I stood there uncomfortably, waiting for her to open the door, tears rolling down my face.
She finally opened the door.
"Y/N what are you doing here? Oh my god. What's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked worried.
"C-can I come in?" I croaked.
"Of course!" She said stepping aside.
I walked in.
"Y/N? What going on?" She asked.
I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell her what happened. It hurt too much. I just walked towards her and fell into her arms and sobbed. We went and sat on the couch. I just laid there and sobbed. My heart was broken.
"Y/N, talk to me." She said trying to get me to speak.
I just continued to cry.
"It's okay." She said, rubbing my back.
"Y/N what happened? Explain to me what-" 
Then she got a call, "I'll be right back, okay?" She asked.
I nodded my head.
She got up and went into the kitchen.
I could only here some of the conversation.

Sam's POV:
We've been looking for her for over an hour. I was worried. Where could she be?
"Maybe I should call Elysia? What if she's with her." I said to Harry.
"Go ahead." He said.
I opened my phone and called Elysia. It rang for a second before she picked up.
"Hi Sam." She said.
"Hi, love. Is Y/N with you?" I asked, getting straight to the point.
"Yeah, what's wrong with her? Why is she so upset?" She asked.
"Something happened with Tom." I said. "Are you at your apartment?"
"Ok, Harry and I are coming. Just keep her there."
"Ok." She said before I hung up.

Elysia's POV
I walked back into the living room. I looked to the couch but Y/N wasn't there. "Y/N?" I called out. No response. "Y/N where are you?" No response again. The door was still closed, so she didn't leave. Then I heard a sob and the sink turn on. I walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Y/N are you okay?"
"Mhm" she mumbled.
A few minutes pass.
"Y/N, you've been in there a while come one out. Talk to me." I said.
She didn't respond.
"Y/N please come out." I said.
Again nothing.
I sat down in front of the door.
"Y/N." I said but there was just silence, then she started to cry again.

Your POV:
I couldn't do it. I couldn't go back out there and face her questions. It hurt too much to talk about it. To think about it. So I just sat there, against the bathroom door, crying.

Elysia's POV:
There was a knock on the door. "Finally," I thought. I walked to the door and opened it, a worried Harry and Sam stood before me.
"Where is she?" Harry asked as they walked in.
"The bathroom. She won't come out." I said.
They walked towards the bathroom and stopped before the door.

Harry's POV:
"Y/N?" I asked. I grabbed the handle and tried to jiggled it, it was locked.
"Y/N, please come out." Sam said, resting his hand on the door.
All we heard were her sobs. It hurt to hear her like this. I looked at Sam, he looked back at me worried.
"Y/N we're here for you, please just come out." I pleaded.
"I-I can't." She said.
"Y/N. Please" Sam said.
Silence again.
We both sat down and leaned against the door.
"We are here outside the door and we won't leave until you come out." I said. "We will wait for you, no matter how long it takes."


Heyyyy look at that I just updated like five minutes after putting out part 12 wowwww go meeee
Hope y'all liked this part
Have a nice night
And I hope all of you who celebrate had an amazing Thanksgiving


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