-Chapter 26-

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Mia point of view

I blink, I feel grass under my my arms that's odd because I was in Arizona fighting Amara. I sit up and look around I'm in a field some where with a shake of my head I catch a flash of blonde hair. What? Blonde hair? That's not right my hair is brown almost black definitely not blonde.

That's when it hit me, the blue magic the horror washes over me like a wave. If I'm in Amara's body then she is in my body that crazy witch is with Steve, Clint and Thor right now!

Bruce point of view

I'm so absorbed in my latest equation that I almost didn't hear the phone ringing, I scramble to pick it up before it goes to voice mail.

"Banner"? I ask pushing my glasses up on my nose.

"Dr Banner you are required at the tower" Jarvis says.

This makes me pause, why would they need me at the tower? Unless there is an Avenging thing.

"What's going on Jarvis"? I ask.

"Ms Stark was attacked by an Asgardian witch. The others would like a professional medical opinion" Jarvis reports.


"Mia was attacked? What happened" I demand.

"Ms Stark is uninjured. Captain Rogers and Agent Barton are requesting that you join them at Avengers tower" Jarvis says firmly.

"Ok ok I'm on my way" I say stunned into near silence.

"There is a car waiting for you downstairs" He adds.

I hang up the call and gather my things then quickly go down the stairs. True to Jarvis's word a shiny black SUV is waiting with Happy in the driver seat.

He drops me off at the tower then drives off. I go inside and hurry to the Avengers floors, when the elevator doors open I'm faced with something I'd never thought I would ever see Mia and Clint yelling at each other. I am floored those two never fight with each other it's like a slap in the face seeing this.

Clint turns to me- please don't pull me into whatever this is.

"Let's let Bruce decide shall we" Clint says heading in my direction.

"No. I don't want to be a part of this, I'm here because Jarvis told me that Mia got attacked by an Asgardian witch" I say holding my hands up in a I come in peace pose.

That seems to jar Clint out of his angry state.


I nod walking in saying a quick hello to Steve and Thor.

"So Asgardian witch"? I ask as a general question.

"Escaped prisoner from Asgard, came here. This is our second time fighting her this time she did something to Mia" Steve explains standing near the window with his arms crossed.

"What did she do"? I ask glancing at Thor this is really his territory; magic.

"A spell of some kind. As far as I can tell nothing has happened yet" He says pulling his cape off his shoulders.

I nod my head and start doing a quick check on Mia as far as I can tell the guys are right nothing is wrong with her.

"Besides the bruising on her neck I don't see anything wrong" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"What did I tell you Clint totally fine" Mia grumbles waving off his concern.

"This wasn't some Hydra agents or AIM goons! Mia this was an Asgardian who used their magic on you" Steve says speaking for the first time since I got here.

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