Part 4

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Brooke POV

Even though i dont act excited, im really exited for this week!! I get to do a duet with Brandon, the boy ive been in love with, and a trio with Nick, my best friend. When Brandon, Nick, and i go in the other studio to wait for Abby. We start stretching, i go over and talk to Nick. I feel bad Brandon is by himself, so i wave to him to come over. I start thinking maybe i shouldnt have done that. I can barely even talk to him. We all start talking, then Abby walks in.

Abby POV ( talking to them)

Okay so all three of you are doing a trio called "I Can Only Have One". Its about two guys and a girl. the two guys are fighting over her but she can only have one of them. I need alot of chemistry in this dance and to make sure i get it, each of you are going out with Brooke. Tonight Brandon, tommorow Nick. We leave friday for competition. so you each have two nights with her to build chemistry and ill have you choose who u want to end up with at the competition. Now lets get to work.

Brandon POV

I cant wait for tonight with Brooke. I really like her and im prettyy sure she likes me. She's so nice and smart and also really hot.. and i am too so well be perfect together.

Nick POV

Im really exited to hang out with Brooke. i would never let her kno this, but i have been in love with her since the day i met her. She is beautiful, charming, and nice. I know she likes Brandon, but she doesnt know he is a jerk. i want her to be with someone who loves her and treats her right.

Brooke POV

Im exited for the trio. Its turnig out great. I dont know who im going to choose though. I have a crush on Brandon, but Nicks my best friend. And lately ive been having feelings for Nick..But i know he doesnt like me..right? lets see how my date with Brandon goes. who knows what will happen.

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