Chapter 6

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Alice stretches her sore neck to the sides, groaning in exhaustion as she looks at her unfinished history notes, eyes spinning at the words and her brain is very close to being roasted. Her phone rings, startling her, and when Lex's name appears on her screen, she knows it will be an important call she cannot miss. Getting up as she takes her phone, plugs her earphones in, and drops herself onto the bed, she taps on the answer button.

"Are you alone?", Lex's voice sounds hurried.


"Good. I did some research on the words engraved on your bedside table", Lex says as she flips through some paper. "And..."

"And...", Alice's heart starts beating faster.

"Those words are the exact same words written on the academy's main gate, two hundred years ago. But not the current main gate - this is the one at the back, near the forest, behind your dorm"

Alice stills for a second, her eyes staring into the distance as she lets the information sink in.

"I couldn't find this information at all at the school library", she finally says, frowning a little.

"Well", Lex sighs into the phone. "All the books related to the dark history of the school are banned from the libraries across town. Several small and very very old bookshops have them but none of the information is useful. I found this book right here in some old storage room"

Alice takes in one slow breath, and she hears Lex do the same.

"What do we do with this information?"

" very mindful of the people - don't get caught too soon. Do not get me all worried because I will not be there if anything happens"

The following day, time flows so fast and before Alice realizes it, her last class has ended and the bell has rung. It was the sound of the bell that snaps her out of her thoughts, and she mentally slaps herself for not truly focusing during her lessons. She checks the time and sighs tiredly when it shows half past two.

Yawning as she packs her books, she stops when she feels a presence in front of her. She looks up to find a girl standing at her table.

"Hello", she smiles widely. "I hope you remember me"

Alice smiles as she nods. "I do. You helped me with my mathematics homework two days ago"

The girl's eyes light up, and she smiles even wider, her teeth showing. "I am so honored you remember! Anyway, if you are free this evening, our club has a show at the performing arts theater, do come!"

The girl slides one cream-colored ticket to her before cheerfully excusing herself. Alice stares at the ticket for a second, slightly baffled but then she takes the ticket and slips it into her coat's pockets before pushing all her books into her bag quickly. She hears the door slides open but does not turn to check. She hears the slow footsteps and it gets clearer, making her stop packing as she realizes the person who just walked into the class, is headed for her.

"I'm so glad you remember, anyway, if you are free this evening, our club is performing at the theater, do come!"

She turns to face the person in slow motion, and when she finally looks at the face, the person is already smiling charmingly at her.

"There you are, dear Alice", he says, with a very gentle melodic voice.

"Am some sort of trouble?", she laughs dryly, zipping her bag while looking at him.

The man grins to himself - the kind of grin that holds some sort of wicked promise. She blinks at first, before slowly running her eyes on him and realizing this is the very first she is seeing him wearing the school's uniform. The whole attire looks exceptionally fitting on him, accentuating his tall figure.

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