Chapter 24: Ticking bomb

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"You are not the heaviness 
sitting inside of you.
You are not the battlefield 
where the bodies fall,
and you are not the sound of cannons
breaking the sky open.
You are what happens after the war.

The surviving.
The healing.
The rebuilding."

Y.Z, for the bad nights

She felt her eyes slowly drop as exhaustion overlapped everything else.

"You can sleep now" said Arya in a distant muffled voice.

And then, like a spell, she fell into a dreamless sleep, soothed by the sound of someone softly chanting a lullaby and the clatter of fighting monsters.

 And then, like a spell, she fell into a dreamless sleep, soothed by the sound of someone softly chanting a lullaby and the clatter of fighting monsters

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It was the irritating stumping of feet that continually passed near her ears that woke her up. That, and the horrible pangs that ran painfully around the brain, making all the noises reverberate, forming a strong headache. As she slowly came out of sleep, she felt confusion slowly building in her sluggish mind while a strong scent of mint invaded her nostrils.

Lily could hear muffled voices whisper in the background under a strong ringing in her ears. At the beginning she couldn't understand where she was and who were the surrounding people, but little by little everything started to clear up under her fuzzy thoughts. Her foggy mind remembered what had happened in the forest so now, hopefully, she had to be back at Bhàs and the surrounding people had to be her squad.

She could feel the worry in the bond with Erebos, so she tried immediately to talk to him and reassure that, even if she felt like she had been walked over by a herd of dragon, she was alive.

When at her third call he still didn't reply, she felt her heart pick up a fast path as panic built up in her stomach, making her feel nauseate. Why didn't he reply? Had something else happened while she was out cold?

She tried to move, to get up, but her muscles were still asleep while her mind had completely woken up, making her feel like a prisoner in her own body.

"Would you two stop?" asked an annoyed familiar male voice near her, probably Victor, making her flinch inside. The sound felt like a sword in her head, but it managed to interrupt her panicked mind and crazy heart.

Rationally, she thought, if her squad was there, then everything had to be ok and there was nothing to be afraid.

No one replied to him, and the sound of footsteps on the ground continued uninterruptedly as the walkers ignored the words, followed by a heavy sigh marked with irritation.

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