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Chapter 26

Doris didn't even need to turn in the direction of the voice to know who it was.

"Aunt Gemima," Doris couldn't help scowling. "You're back."

Gemima was standing a few feet away from them, looking highly excited about something. Beside her stood the tall and proud Brandon who looked much healthier than the last time they have seen him.

"Before any of you launch into a huge speech on why you hate me, I would like to tell you something," Gemima said.

Alexander shook his head, "You've done much harm already. We have to figure out some way of breaking the deal and time is running."


"Don't try to explain yourself," Adam said, coldly. "I have to go save my family which you very well left to die when you abandoned us."

"Will you let me speak?" Gemima shrieked.

Brandon gripped her hand and spoke up for the first time. Even though nobody really wanted to listen his voice had that quality of gravity and sincerity that is so hard to find in people. The moment he began speaking, everyone decided to give him a moment of their precious time.

"We are not here to provide excuses. What Gemima did was inexcusable..." but he smiled a small smile at Gemima. "Gemima told me about the last part of the deal and how it was impossible to crack it. It's not. Arabella is alive."

"You're lying," Giroud immediately countered.

Doris' ever-fast brain processed the information surprisingly slowly. Her mother was alive. She didn't try to suspect Brandon. She couldn't. If someone was telling her, her mother was alive, how could she not dare to believe it? Questions like how and where popped up in her brain but they immediately got pushed back.

"Is she fine?" Doris asked and was surprised to hear her father simultaneously ask the same question.

"I don't know," Brandon said. "All I know is that the faerie we freed from the curse returned after Gemima  and Arabella tried to break through, he returned. He picked up Arabella's body and told me that if anybody came looking she would be at the Castle Sababurg Hotel."

"Why did he take her there?" Alexander asked.

Brandon looked sorry, "She was hurt and from what I could see through the bars, the faerie put her in a magic-induced sleep so that she could recover."

Doris asked angrily, "And he just left her there? How was she supposed to wake up?"

"I don't know," Brandon sighed. "That was all I could see."

"When Brandon told me this, I had to come and tell you guys," Gemima said. "I'm sorry for...everything."

Adam nodded, "We should go as fast as we can."

Doris looked at Giroud with hope, "Would you be able to teleport us?"

He shrugged helplessly, "My power has been running low after we teleported to Bremen to get to you two. I could try though."

"That's alright," Gemima smiled, eager to get back into the good books. "Brandon is nearly healed. He can teleport us."

"I suppose all this is out of my understanding," Patrick suddenly said. It was surprising that he had managed to stay out of attention for so long without even a single cutting, derogatory remark. He had really improved after Doris' burst of anger.

Nobody answered him. Brandon held out a hand and a red light emanated from his chest slowly covering everyone. With a flash they were gone.

"Well, goodbye!" Patrick said a little late.

The Fairytale Life of Doris McQueen [#1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now