When you meet him

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Readers pov~

I woke up... but it was the middle of the night

I look over at my window. ..... its open

Didn't I close it?

I got up and shut the window.

I was about to turn around to get back into bed when.....

Someone grabbed me from behind...

One arm around my stomach holding me and the other arm.... holding a knife against my neck.....

I froze not knowing how to react.. this person could kill me if I move...

"Shhhhhh.... go to sleep"

A rough voice spoke making my spine shiver..

I knew this was a male.... I was terrified

What is he going to do?

"W-what do you want?"

I spoke up...

"Just go.... to.... sleep..."

He then moved the knife away slightly, giving me the chance to get out of his grip

I moved and ran out of his arms, hitting the wall

"Please leave me alone!"

I didn't know where to go.....

I fell on my bed and turned on the lamp I had on my bedside table.

....... He....he had pale white skin..... pitch black hair..... a white hoodie..... eyes.... but no eyelids..... and........ a horrifying grin on his face..

I froze and he stood there grinning at me

"Your cute, I'll spare you."

He then opened the window and was ready to jump out,

"See you soon"

He then disappeared. ....

"Wait...... was that.... who I thought it was?"

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