Chapter 71: Training on the Destiny's Bounty 2.0

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(Third Person P.O.V)

As the Destiny's Bounty 2.0 flies towards the Wailing Alps, Jay, Kai, and Zane practice Airjitzu by attempting to grab a flag atop the ship's mast, while Ronin and Sensei Wu watched.

Kai grunts as he tries to use Airjitzu to reach a flag. He tries again but misses. "Seriously!" Kai screaming anger.

"Aww, short. Just like your temper, Kai." Ronin laughed as he was watched them from the flag platform.

"Let me try." Jay says and tries his hand only to come up short missing the flag.

"That wasn't Airjitzu, that was Failitzu." Ronin laughed at Jay. "Or Stupiditzu." Kai also laughed at the Ninja of Lightning.

"To master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift, not put each other down, Ronin." Sensei Wu scolded the thief.

Ronin took a bite of an apple. "You close shop for a week, you gotta let me have some fun." Ronin spat back. "Aren't Nindroids supposed to be precise?" Ronin shouted at Zane.

"These new suits are heavy. Why can't we just use our old ones?" Kai sighed.

"These are embedded with Deepstone. They will protect you from being possessed." Sensei Wu explained.

Jay tries again this time flying far above the flag. "Missed. Again." Ronin teased on Jay way back down Jay takes Ronin's apple instead. "Hey!" Ronin shouted at him Jay only Laughs.

"Yeah, well, maybe the name "Airjitzu" isn't uplifting enough. Maybe we need something more inspiring, like... Cyclone-do!" Jay says as he takes a bite to spite Ronin.

(Third Person P.O.V)

A blush spread across Morro's face. Morro wasn't sure if this was the best moment in his life in recent memory or not but it sure felt like it.

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