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It's been two weeks and I've been visiting Ethan everyday for counselling.

 But i don't really counsel.

 we just talk about everything under the sun except the reason why hes in prison. I still don't know why, but i'm not planning to probe him for it.

 But i know he's just broken inside for so,e reason.

I treat him like a normal person because I know he needs that.

He tells me about his family and he has a twin brother. i have never seen them around here before. 

Ethan doesn't show much emotion or affection, But when he does it leaves me dizzy and scared.

 Scared because i find myself falling for him one bit at a time. 

It's not just his sweeping good looks that sway me, but how he acts. Like the way he would just straight up stare at me in silence or how he calls me Addy or even how he smiles when he talks to me. Sometimes i feel that all he needs is just some love.

But I'm scared to love him because people say it's not right.


"sessions over."

 I push back from the table and start walking towards the door.

"what do you do after counselling sessions?" I turn towards Ethan.

"um, go back to my cell? The rest of the day is pretty much pointless, except for lunch." 

I laugh. "Yeah lunch is always the highlight of my day." 

"Lunch isn't the highlight of my day." He pulls his hood over his head. "Thanks for the gum though." He winks, slipping the pack of gum i smuggled for him into his pocket.

"No problem, Can i follow?" I ask the guards and they nod. 

They cuff his hands behind his back again and usher him back into his cell. I watch them shut the doors with a clank and lock it. Ethan holds his hands out through the bar so they can remove the cuffs. 

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He wrings his wrists. 

"Or later if i get bored in my dad's office." I curl my fingers around the bars and lean in, "I'll see you later buttface." 

I boop his nose and sprint away before he can reach through the bars and grab me or something. 

"You're so fucking childish Addy."

Ethan's POV

Lunch is really not the highlight of my day. 

The food tastes like crap, and the company is crap. It just sucks.

 Now I'm standing in line behind some dude with a shitload of piercings and thinking about Addy. The fact that she's in the same building as me right now and yet i can't see her, kills me.

PRISONER-EthanDolanWhere stories live. Discover now