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Stream Midnight. Enjoy the chapter.

Also please go check out the sequel to F.A.F, it's called U.M and I'm working really hard on it so far I've published the prologue + chapter one but more will be coming soon so please please go read it thank you.

Seriously stream Midnight.



WildHoe: I can't find John's phone and I'm lowkey concerned bc I never moved it from my dresser so where tf did it go

Jon: actually now that you mention it I haven't seen Evan's phone in a while either but I'm pretty sure I just misplaced it

Jon: I like looking at the lock screen heh

WildHoe: John's phone is dead and idk where he put his charger so I just leave it in one place really

Four07: wait

Four07: the phones are missing???

Four07: suspicious

WildHoe: or maybe??? We're just stupid???? Not everything has to be a conspiracy theory ya know

Jon: bUT every time we think it's nothing it turns into something?????

Moo: it's three in the afternoon

Four07: what does that have to do with anything

Moo: it means you people won't let me sleep at night or during the day bc y'all are always over reacting about one thing or another

Jon: what can we say we're a low budget tv show

WildHoe: we are this close to getting a pilot episode don't hate on our dreams just yet

Jon: at least give us 14 seasons

LuKe: who tf is gonna sit through 14 seasons of your bullshit

JigglyKoala: whoever made the stupid decision to be your friend

LuKe: I'll wait

JigglyKoala: for what?

JigglyKoala: oh wait nvm

JigglyKoala: so missing phones huh? What's that about?




TIME: 8:23 PM

Lucas glanced around as he reached what he believed to be the main part of the airport. He passed the baggage claim, clutching the handle of his suitcase that rolled along beside him. His phone was stowed away somewhere inside of it, out his mind- which was primarily focused on finding who he was looking for.

People bustled around him, a few jostling his shoulders with passports and boarding passes clutched in their hands. Others constantly checked their watches as they hurried along, borderline running over to TSA while their suitcases screeched against the tile flooring. Various accents and ethnicities surrounded him as he continued looking for his friend. His backpack weighed on his shoulders with every passing second. Children screamed as they dashed about, fawning over things they had either missed or had never seen before.

He had underestimated just how big the airport in Melbourne was, glancing outside to see all the cars that were patiently waiting for someone while others dropped people off.

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