Chapter 24

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I started to smoothen the hospital scrub I'm wearing as we take a break from the filming. We're now on our 5th episode filming and today's the airing of the first episode.

The fake blood is still on my forehead but I decided to ignore it and watch the first episode together with the staff alrady gathered in the lounge area, their eyes fixated on the large screen.

The episode started and I can feel my heartbeat go haywire when my face appeared at the screen. Everyone was cheering and have been expressing their amazement. Taehyung stood by my side and watched too.

"Do I really look that fat on screen?" I asked him.

"Ani," he shook his head playfully as he wraps his arm around my waist.

I leaned on his shoulder as we watch the episode being aired. Cameras came instantly infront of us making us giggle. These behind the scenes will make the fans go crazy seeing the characters being sweet and touchy. SBS knows that so well so they take advantages at how we are being touchy today.

We all clapped when we finished watching the first episode. We all continued filming and by 3 am in the morning, finally the director calls it a wrap.

Me and Taehyung have been riding in his car lately. It's much easier to travel like this. And to entice more of our fans by being this close. The writer said it was all for publicity. I am sometimes disgusted at how this industry we're in works. I'm not surprised though and it seems like I will never get used to it.

"Up for a drink?" he asked as he eases his car on the road.

I sleepily nodded and drifted to sleep.

I was woken up by Taehyung entering the car. I wasn't even aware he got out. He's holding a lot of beer in his hand.

"Yah! Are you going to drink all that?" I asked him.

"We," he corrected me.

"We have taping later,"

"We have taping later at 9 pm. Don't worry, we have the entire day to sleep if that's what you're worried about," he smiled.

I sighed in defeat and continued sleeping. When I woke up, we are infront of their expensive dorm.

"What the fuck are we doing here V?" I asked him in utter confusion.

"We'll drink here Ariah, securty's tight here so sasaengs and paparazzis will find it hard to stalk us," he offered.

No, no, no, no, no. This only means I get to see Jimin?!

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