Dallon Weekes

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"(Y/N)!" Dallon's voice rings excitedly through the house. "It's snowing!"

You smile at him as he pokes his head around the corner, rolling your eyes as he pokes his head around the corner and tugs on his coat. 

"You're a tall child, Dallon Weekes," you say fondly, bookmarking and closing your novel. Dallon laughs joyfully and sticks his hand out the door. He pulls it back, glove coated in fluffy white flakes. 

"Yeah, yeah, sure. But it's snowing and it's almost December and I haven't gone and enjoyed snow in years so just please come outside?" He bites his lip and you cave in, shoving yourself off the couch (and out of your nest of blankets) to don your coat, hat, and gloves. Dallon grabs your hand and drags you out the door into the yard, the two of your leaving a messy trail of footprints in the fresh now. A wide , bright smile rests on your boyfriend's face as snow drifts and settles in his mop of brown hair. 

You crouch down and pack a tight snowball, hitting Dallon solidly in the shoulder. He lets out a gasp of mock betrayal before throwing a snowball of his own. You turn to avoid it, but when you turn to laugh at Dallon, he is nowhere to be seen. You panic a little, and let out a cry of surprise as you are tackled from behind into a building snowdrift. The snow is cold in your face, but you can't bring yourself to be mad as Dallon flops down beside you. His cheeks are red, snow is sticking to his eyelashes, and his breath clouds in the crisp air. He huffs out a laugh as he sinks further into the snow pile, tangling your gloved hand in his. 

"Thanks, (Y/N). I know I'm really just a tall child," he says, quoting you. "But this was really fun, as childish as it is. You're an excellent boyfriend.


Inside, you hold your cup of coffee tighter, warmth seeping into your frozen hands. Light music drifts into the room from the kitchen. As Dallon sits beside you, you lean against his shoulder. There are still damp sections from snow scattered in his hair, but you're too warm and too tired to say anything. Draining your cup, you set it on the coffee table, closing your eyes. You feel Dallon lift his arm around your shoulder, can sense the vibration of his chest through your shoulder as he hums along to "Here Comes The Sun". You smile lightly, feeling yourself drift off to sleep. 


A couple of hours later, your boyfriend shakes you awake, pointing out the front window. The pane is covered in creeping frost, swirling in almost floral patterns. 

"It's beautiful, Dallon." 

"Isn't it?" He smiles at you. "Not as beautiful as you, (Y/N)."

A/N: Heyo! Sorry for the length, it's been a rough day. It's almost December, though, and I do my best writing in the winter, so expect some more stories soon!

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