Chapter 26 ~ The Rescue [Part 1]

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(For anyone who is curious as to how Horror's report to the king went after he theorized Dream's fault when it came to your sudden disappearance of energy, read Horror's POV.)

(Also, I kind of lost track of who was supposed to go next and who already watched over you officially and who only took care of you for a day or so. Especially after all those time skips and change in the schedule of the bad guys. But who watches over you isn't exactly a major plot point, so I'll just give you Cross for this chapter since apparently him and Edge are the only ones that haven't really spend any time at all with you.)

Horror's POV

"Nightmare!" I yelled as I pushed open the throne room's doors, said skeleton had been reading one of his novels again. Nightmare looked up, rolling his eye before looking back down towards his book.

"What is it now, Horror?" I was about to speak, but he cut me off. "No, you don't get to eat prisoner number 1-75. And no, an axe is not an instrument."

"Shit, but that guy's hand was tasty... And, well, technically you can use an axe to make sounds, so it is an instrument... But that's not the reason why I came here. Sort of", a little bit of anger radiated off my emotional aura, Nightmare could definetely sense it. He looked back up in confusion as I continued. "Green Screen said (Y/N)'s energy was drained from within her dreamscape, which weakened her physically. My assumption is that your brother might have been the cause", I grumbled, hatred was clearly present on my voice. But I didn't care.

"Oh?" Nightmare closed his book and put it on his lap, "How so? That naïve idiot should know by now not to mess with us. But if you're telling the truth and it was him, then we need to stop him from entering her mind. Not only would it be unfortunate for us if he found the castle, but it would also be very unfortunate for them if he touches the human one more fucking time." Okay, I didn't expect that last part coming from him, he had never really cared about the previous human pets and slaves we had ever since I joined, but maybe he had something sinister planned for her later.

"Don't let him hurt her."

...I just won't question if that thought actually came from my mind or not, but it seemed a little weird. I shook that thought off and turned around to walk out the door, but the king stopped me again.

"Oh, and Horror," I didn't turn to face him. "Look out for Vile's cat, will you? He should've found the second crystal by now."

"Will do, boss."

Author's POV

"i GoT tHe OtHeR hUmAn, AnD iT's An aNnOyInG BrAt", Error announced as he entered the throne room with (B/N) being held next to him by strings. She already realized that those strings could just kill her, or at least tear through her skin, so she didn't bother to struggle and just whined instead.

"Ugh! I'm not an 'it', I'm a woman. A female, good-looking, single lady from the human race, thank you very much", she retorted. Error just rolled his eyelights as Nightmare already seemed unamused by her comment, and probably her personality in general. At least he disliked her whining.

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