Chapter 63

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Third person pov

Shikamaru was known for being lazy and laid back. He was level-headed in even the worst of situations, as most Nara's were. Maybe that's why Shikaku was so... so freaked out when Shikamaru began to pace and mutter to himself. As though he couldn't possibly sit still. That was odd, especially since they'd finished a rather rigorous training session not too long ago. Normally the boy would slouch over on the couch with-

Oh, right. Arron wasn't back yet.

Ino had been instructed to bring Arron back as soon as the dark-haired girl wanted, and no later than five. Shikamaru had been very, very clear with Ino. Very clear. He'd informed her of the foods Arron liked and didn't like, of the places Ino was to avoid, among other things of the sort. Shikamaru was sure the Yamanaka had only been half listening.

"She was supposed to be back five minutes ago." Shikamaru ran a hand down his face, clearly distressed. Shikaku watched from his place on the couch, sipping his coffee. Sure, coffee this late in the afternoon wasn't advised, but it was also too early for him to justify going to bed, so for now he'd simply caffeinate and watch his son freak out over a girl. If nothing else, it was amusing.

Shikamaru continued to freak out. Shikaku began to feel mildly concerned after fifteen minutes passed and Arron still hadn't shown up. This wasn't like her at all. He was surprised she wasn't back sooner, as she was rather attached to Shikamaru. He'd have expected her back after an hour or so, but she'd proven him wrong by staying out. All day. And past the curfew Shikamaru had set.

Another five minutes of Shikamaru trying to leave, and Shikaku telling him to not, there was a knock at the door. Shikaku looked up from his crossword, and Shikamaru darted for the entrance of their home like his life depended on it. Shikaku watched with mild amusement as Shikamaru slammed the door open, taking a heaving breath. 

All at once, the young Nara heir's shoulders slumped as Arron threw herself into his arms. "Sorry we're late." Ino apologized upon seeing Shikamaru's immense relief. "Arron was busy, and it took a while to drag her away from whatever she was doing. But we're here now!" Ino forced a smile, hoping Shikamaru wouldn't ban her from ever taking Arron out again.

"Are you okay?" Shikamaru asked the girl, his arms wrapped firmly around her. She looked up at him with bright eyes that made him pause. She didn't seem nervous, and the underlying panic that was always there had been wiped away. By what, he didn't know. But she seemed so... content. He'd expected her to be rattling with anxiety when she returned.

"Yes." Arron said, her voice not as quiet as it usually was. It made Shikaku's eyebrows raised. 

Trexx grumbled something behind her, but nobody was sure was. "So, same time tomorrow?" Ino asked. She and Arron had talked on the way home, and the Yamanaka had drawn her even farther out of her shell. The euphoria the home seemed to bring over her along with Ino's bold yet comforting and careful personality, she'd reached some sort of point of normalcy. Though Ino was sure it would wear off as Arron's excitement died down, she was glad for it.

"Yes!" Arron let go of Shikamaru's hands, whirling around and grabbing Ino's hands. Shikamaru looked extremely startled, and Shikaku lowered his mug, brows furrowed as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "We must find Mr. Asuma!"

"Alright!" Ino laughed, setting a few shopping bags down in the home, right by the door. Arron was ready to pry information out of Asuma about her family, hoping it could somehow help her with... well, Ino didn't know, but Arron seemed to. She was smarter than she let on, and seemed to have something in mind. "See you later, Shikamaru. Good luck with your training."

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