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[ok so as I know how annoying it can be for a story to update after a long time of being inactive, I'll tell you briefly where the last chapter had been. So Anne is leaving Avonlea with her friends to go back to Charlottetown as school starts again. During the last chapter everyone was being emotional and saying they don't want to leave, but it's the chapter where they all have their anniversaries (lol) and Gil is being emotional with the thought of Anne soon leaving. There's a small time skip cause I couldn't do a chapter where everyone is emotional, i would break down, i swear to god. That's pretty much it.]


Thursday August 9th, 7:23am

"Anne, for God's shake, I've called for breakfast for over than 4 times! It's time to get up, you'll be late for school!" Marilla shouted from downstairs.

"Okay okay I'm coming" I said in my sleepy voice between yawns. It has been a long ass week so far. I had to wake up at 6am on Monday cause we would be leaving from Avonlea. I literally cried my eyes out. I mean some would say that it was just a nice summer with a silly summer love, but I'm sure we'll all keep hanging out together, and I'm hopeful about my relationship with Gil. I mean we confessed each other our love. I was honest and I want to believe he was too and he wasn't being carried by the moment.

I pulled my beds sheets and got up. My phone started ringing and groaned picking it up.

"Yeah?" I said as kindly as I could.

"Hey boo, so what're you wearing today at school?" Dianas melodic voice rang through the phone.

"Dude it's literally half past seven in the morning and you're calling me to talk about clothes? I love you but cmon can't we just talk when you come to pick me up?" I asked all in one breath. She laughed.

"Well now we know for sure you're not a morning person" she said making me roll my eyes and smile.

"Ok so I'll be there in 20 minutes" she said making me shake my head even though she couldn't see it. Her parents bought her a car on her last birthday, but only allowed her to go to school with it during our senior year, so she's now picking up all the gang till someone else gets a license.

"Ok see you" I simply said. I threw my phone on my bed and ran in the bathroom to get ready. I wore whatever was in front of me cause, one, I literally don't care ,and two, it's my senior year so homework is what matters to me more now. I don't actually care about being first anymore. I just want to gain some base for college, I guess. I went back to my room and I took my bag

I ran down the stairs simultaneously brushing my hair. I decided to let them down today.

"Anne, what took you so long? I'm sure you wouldn't want to be late for school from the first day already." Marilla said smiling down at me as I sat and immediately took a bite of my toast.

"I know, I know. But as you said, it's the first day! Plus I'm so tired from the trip, coming back seemed like pre exhaustion and nothing else." I groaned. Marilla lightly chuckled while I took a ship of my orange juice. Suddenly a honk was heard outside, which signaled me that Diana was right outside.

"Bye Marilla! Kiss Matthew for me! I'll be right back after school!" I told her while tying my shoes. She simply nodded with a smile plastered on her lips. I took my jacket and ran outside, backpack bouncing against my lower back.

"Hey" I greeted Diana as I sat in the passenger seat of her car.

"Hello? We're here too you know!" Josie said annoyed while Diana, Tillie, Jane and Ruby all chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm just feeling so tired. I couldn't even bring myself out of bed this morning, besides the thought of school." I said while my friends gasped sarcastically, knowing how much I adore school and learning.

"I think you just miss mister lover boy" Josie said as Diana

"Oh shut up, you have your boyfriend literally living next to your house!" Diana said as we all laughed.

"By the way, how come you didn't go to school with Billy today?" Ruby asked Josie.

"I would if Mrs Jane here stopped complaining about it!" Josie said shooting a glare at Jane, who simply scoffed.

"Yeah well I'm sorry! I get it you're in love and shit but I don't want to lose my best friend because of my idiotic brother!" Jane shot back.

"Boo you could never lose me." Josie said calmly as she side hugged Jane and tilted her head on her shoulder. We all 'awed' and laughed.

After some minutes we had reached our destination, so Diana parked the car near our school. We took our bags and we starting walking to the entrance of the building.

"I feel like summer lasted 2 freaking minutes" Tillie groaned making us all sigh.

"I feel you" I muttered.

When we walked inside the doors, my eyes immediately fell on the freshmen who looks equally excited as frightened. Diana seemed to notice the same thing as she came closer to me.

"How can someone look so excited for another year in hell?" Diana whispered in my ear. I slightly laughed.

"Diana, do you even remember how I acted the first day of high school?" I whispered back.

"You were practically jumping all over the place. The seniors looked at you as if you were an idiot" Diana giggled at the thought.

"Hey, are we going to take our schedules or what?" Jane shouted at us some feet away. We just smiled at each other and followed the rest of our friends down the hallways. It felt so so weird being back here after having such a small vacation, especially when it was divine.

"Ok so Diana, Anne and I are in the same class again. Ruby, you'll be with Jane and Tillie this year. It appears there are some new students at school so they had to move some other students to other classes i guess." Josie said.

"Ok so who is going to take our programs?" Ruby asked.

"NOT ME." Josie shouted before Ruby could even finish the question making us all laugh.

"What? I suffocated to find out our classes. Do you know how many jerks I had to push so I could get to the noticeboard?" She continued, placing a hand over her chest dramatically, only making us laugh even harder.

"Ok, I'll go." I said after our laughter had died.

I left the girls waiting in the hallway while I rushed to the office where each classes programs were given. I pushed through some students until I reached the table where 5 piles of papers were practically placed. My eyes searched down it's pile until I found the ones I needed. As I was heading back to my friends, after I took our programs, I bumped into someone, our temples hitting hard each other.

"Oh god, I knew I should have let someone else go" I groaned as I stroked my head.

"I'm so sorry, here" I deep voice said towards me. I looked up meeting two blue eyes. I then glanced down to his stretched hand, waiting for me to take it. I momentarily hesitated thinking about Gilbert. Wait, the guy is just being polite, what could happen? I thought to myself.

"Thank you" I shyly said as I took his hand. He pushed me up and dragged me out of the crowd full of energetic adolescents.

"Are you ok? Did you hurt something?" He asked looking genuinely concerned. I looked up at him aiming to say I'm ok but I got lost in his features. He had light brown hair, a strand falling in front of his eyes. His lips were lightly pink, two thin lines as they were parted-

Wait wait wait. Why was I looking at his lips? What the fuck?

"Oh uh y-yes I'm fine, thank you again" said trying to smile. God what was happening.

"I uh.. I have to go!" I said in a high pitched voice as I practically ran away from him. I needed to talk to someone and it had to be done soon..

Hey y'all. That last one was a plot twist wasn't it? Don't worry, I'm not gonna cheat on my otp, nonetheless, let's say this story is gonna make things between them more serious but i better shut up before I spill some spoilers ok bye lol.

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