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Jewel's POV
next morning..

I was woken up from the bright sun beaming through the blinds and the soft snores that came from beside me. Just being like this felt right, i couldn't put my finger on why it did but just know that it did. I layed there a little longer admiring her facial features as my thoughts came in as usual.

Today My body was rested never have I ever felt this good, well it's been a while. Dom slept so silently I started to feel weird for just staring. But she was just so beautiful. Her eyelashes were longer than I expected and her lips looked moist. The soft vanilla smell that bounced off her sheets and traveled to my soft smelled so good. I got out of her bed and went back to the guest room only to shower though.

"Ugh you still here" I heard from behind me. The voice in my head told me to keep walking but the other side of me wasn't going to keep being disrespected. I turned and went up to her so fast our chests practically was touching.

"Listen shorty , I'm not rude to you so don't be rude to me" I demanded. Never was I going to let some little ass fem try and get overs not with words. "Say another thing and I swear I'll hurt you" I walked away thinking I should tease some more.

"Just hurry up and get the fuck out" she yelled.

"Your track is showing sis fix that" I flicked her off and walked into my room hearing her talk shit still. I didn't have nomore time to waste, today was my day to get back on my feet. Excitement wanted to rush through me but I just couldn't let it. I went and got in the shower just thinking of how I was gon have my pimping back. And imagining how my life will be from here on out. Yeah i'm dreaming pretty big but who wouldn't?

When I got out of the shower I decided to dry off and go back into the room to see what she had in the closet in here. I slid the door open and walked inside I was truly in heaven. She had so many jeans so i went over to where they were. I spotted out these light jeans next to a white f•r•I•e•n•d shirt so I grabbed the both now looking for some boxers. I looked up seeing a drawer I opened it and seen some polo boxers in a pack, I grabbed a color with a matching sports bra. I got everything I needed and went to the room to get dressed.

"I feel like myself again yo" I walked over to the body mirror in the room and posed. My hair was out and wild since I needed a new cut but I would try later to find good places. I had grabbed some white filas out her closet and slid them on it's like everything was the perfect size. After I put deodorant and cologne on I cleaned my mess and left the room. First thing I smelled was syrup.. I followed the smell which lead me downstairs to the kitchen. My eyes were loving what they were seeing.. it was dom. She had on a black sports bra and black sweatpants with the rim of her boxers showing. Exposing her firm stomach and the lumps from her abs. Her dreads were in a back ponytail showing off her fresh cut and earrings. This girl really did some things to me.

"Kam is one hell of a lucky girl" I mumbled walking over to a chair. There's no way I could have somebody like dom, she was so out of my league. I'm sure she wasn't stud for stud but still I would test the waters. She was dancing to the reggae that was playing not even noticing I was in here with her. I hit the power button on her speaker causing her to look back.

"Rule number 1 no fucking with my music" she said looking back to what she was doing. I kind of chuckled at how she demanded her rules.

"Anyway it smell good you didn't tell me you could cook D" I said walking over next to her. She looked at me with a soft smile before flipping the pancake.

"You never asked" she said turning to face me completely. First thing she did was look me up and down as if she just seen a ghost. Her eyes were unreadable her whole facial expression was unreadable. She turned around so fast, I could've guessed what she was thinking.

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