Chapter 27

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"You look-" Delilah stops mid sentence and eyes me up and down not hiding the dislike in her eyes. "...nice." I cock my head to side and give her a wide grin. "You look nice too." She gives me a half smile in return and she looks straight into my eyes with distaste and hate. I don't care what she does but her trying to have a stare down with me it's just beyond me. I'm not one to take on a challenge but I'm not about to back down. So I stare right back refusing to loose this staring contest.

"Can you please move your hands off of me Delilah and Suzette I see someone that I want to introduce you to, come on." Delilah is the first to break eye contact with me and I smile victoriously as Blayze roughly swats her petty panicuuire hands of his arm and stands up from the stool. He grabs my arm and rushes me to stand up and walk with him. I walk along side him but I turn and wave at Delilah sarcastically while walking backwards.

She scowls at me right before I face forward again. "You really need to learn how to let things slide. What was that all about?" Blayze pounders. Me learning on how I need to let things slide?! More like him needing to learn how to let things slide. It's because of all that pride and resentment with in him that makes him such a beast. More like a dick. I just shrug my shoulders and check my breast area to make sure the tape hasn't unstuck from my skin. Melody told me to use it to prevent any nipple slips. "She started it I was just trying to finish it. Don't start something without finishing it is what I always say."

"More like shut up is what you always seem to say. With a smacking on the individual's arm afterwards." I look up at him and say, "I do not. Shut up." I smack his arm and continue to walk towards who knows where. Blayze stops but I continue to walk unsure as to where I'm going. "Suzette over here." Blayze catches my shoulder and pulls me back gently to face a man as tall as Blayze. "Hey you look familiar." The man smiles and reaches out his hands and takes my hand into his. "Mrs. Wilton such a pleasure to see you again." He kisses my hand while looking down into my eyes than it hits me.

"Oh now I remember. You're that dumb fucker classless guy that tried to hit up on me at the business meeting we had a couple weeks ago even though you knew I was married." Next to him a another man "Ooo's" at him. I look at Blayze and I can see a flash of emotion light up in his eyes but I can see that the emotion in his eyes is dark. Oh oh. I snatch my hand out of the perverts grip and quickly say, "Did you do what we asked?" He clears his throat collecting his thoughts probably recovering from my insult." "Yes, I have-" He looks up at Blayze and continues on saying, "looked into the construction and I'm capable of doing the work now that I have speed up the building of my new store." I nod in approval and step back next to Blayze closer than needed.

We finish our talk Blayze giving off a cold reply every single time. Did I mention that Blayze is just now finding out that the man made a move on me? No? Oh well. "He flirted with you?" Blayze harshly says quite loudly. I hush him and grab his arm and give his muscular arm a hard squeeze. "Relax I dealt with it. Its not my fault I'm pretty and this dress that you chose, I may add, will get a lot of head turns and second looks so don't go getting all mad. Just relax okay." He puffs out a rough breath of air and we continue to walk greeting whoever comes and acknowledge us. Why does he care who looks or comments at my appearance?

We stop and chat with Zaven Matreekis, Atticus Matreekis, Skyler, and Theia Matreekis. Zaven is up for almost all of the same awards as Blayze. I jump in shock from someone yelling boo behind me. Layla laughs and gives me hug telling me how funny I looked scared. We talked and laughed with each other. I become thirsty and I watch each waiter to see which one would have water. "What are you looking for?" Skyler asks. I look at her and say, "I'm looking for a waiter with water. I can't tell which bottle is water since it looks like a champagne bottle." Blayze turns my body gently to the left and points with his finger directing me saying, "Right over there near the dance floor is a waiter and waitress with water. Do you want me to go get you a glass?" I shake my head no and I scurry off towards them telling the others that I would be back.

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