Let Me Heal You

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The first time Raven entered Robin's mind, she knew exactly where to go and what to look for.

This time, however, she didn't.

In order to find what happened she would need to find Robin.

Or at least some version of him.

But everything around her was black and since she was in his mind she couldn't sense him as his energy was everywhere.

She looked from left to right slowly before just walking forward.

No matter where she looked there was only blackness and she was starting to worry that she wouldn't reach him in time.

But after a while of walking she started to see a light grey glow off in the distance.

At first it seemed far away but it only took a few more minutes of walking to reach the glow.

It was a cemetery and the grey glow was from rain and a little fog.

The few graves that made up the boundary either didn't have engravings at all or they were ineligible.

Probably from a loss of memory.

This must be an early memory then.

Once she crossed the threshold she started to hear a whimper and now she could see an outdoor canopy with what looked like a funeral going on.

But there was only one person there.

A little boy, no older than eight.


Raven stopped and hesitated before coming closer.

Now, she could practically touch the two caskets that the boy was mourning.

But the young one didn't acknowledge her, likely he didn't even know she was there.

His whimper has now turned into a hushed sob.

*"Mamì, Tatì... de ce a trebuit så må lase singur?"*

Raven furrowed her brows and bent down to his level.

He still didn't acknowledge her.


Nothing. The boy continued to sob.

**"Mi-e dor de tine!"**

"Richard? Dick?"

Still nothing.

"He can't hear you..."

Raven snapped her head around and found the unexpected voice.

It was a slightly older Dick, maybe nine years of age.

This boy had a Robin uniform on and a deep frown was displayed on his lips.

"He can't hear anyone. He's been there since the funeral. We've tried snapping him out of it... but it's like he's trapped there."

Raven raised herself from the ground and raised an eyebrow at the young hero.

"You said 'we'"

Robin nodded once and then motioned for to follow him.

She didn't hesitate but he didn't say another word to her as he started quickly walking away from the cemetery.

He didn't look back as they left the crying boy alone.


The young Robin didn't say anything to Raven but his pace finally did slow down once they were a fair distance from the cemetery.

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