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"Sis where you going?" He calls out to you as you stop and return to him.

"Did I give you one of my bags? I have them all." He shakes his head and points his head towards his car.

"Need a lift?"

"This is the only time I will say that I love you."

"I'm gonna cry."

"Never mind I think I'll just walk then."

"(Y/N) get in the damn car."

"Okay mom."

He drove you home while the two of you blasted music in his car and started screaming the lyrics. It was your sibling thing. Everyone has a certain thing they do with their sibling and yours is to jam to music at night.

Jacob was always that big brother who was always there for you no matter the problem. Yes, he may have been annoying at times, but ever since moving to Korea, it's been mostly you and him.

He then lowered the music a bit and you pouted.

"Food?" He gives you that look where you know that both of y'all are about to go out and eat a shit ton of food.

"Caracas?" Caracas was the name of the only Venezuelan restaurant that you both had found in Korea. It tasted just like your mom's food so it was good for you guys.

He nods, answering your question and you nod your head while raising your eyebrows all the time. He switches lanes and drives over to the restaurant.

He stops the car in the parking lot and the both of you guys enter the restaurant. The waiter looks over at you beginning to speak Korean.

"Hello welco- Oh it's just you guys." She quickly switches to Spanish, already knowing you guys.

"Hey hey!" Jacob says while she grabs two menus and leads you guys to your regular spot on the bar.

The owner of the restaurant sees you guys and she smiles.

"Well well well, if it isn't my two favorite Venezuelans." She smiles and wipes her hands on a rag as she brings you guys your usual drinks.

"It's a nice day for an empanada today." You smile at her and she nods at your response.

"Sweetie it's always a good day for an empanada." Jacob laughs and agrees.

Ordering a bunch of food, you two agree to share the bill along with the food.

"Half and half." You stick your pinky out and he wraps his around yours.


The food arrives fairly quickly, quicker than normal and you ask Leah, the owner of the shop, as to why.

"We got full staff today. We've gotten popular over the past couple of days." You and your brother listen to her while nodding your heads and taking bites out of your food.

"Ay, you said half and half. That's my piece of chicken!" He frowns and puts it into your mouth and you chew on it while laughing.

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