All bark and no bite

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Kol and I were now sitting in the grill talking about random stuff. His siblings enter and make their way to our table.
"Hello love" Klaus greets
"Hey fur ball" I smirk back. We all start laughing while Klaus tries to hide his small chuckle
"Your lucky I like you,love" he responds. As he dose so Kol puts his arm around my waist and hisses at his brother
"Down boy" I say lightly tapping him on the head. He didn't argue and just dose as I say which surprised me.
After a while of all of us talking the Scooby gang walks into the grill. As they all walk by they glare at us. I guess Elena must have gotten to Jeremy because he's glaring too. I could say it didn't hurt, but I would be lying. The Mikaelson family must have noticed because Rebekah spoke up
"It's okay, you've got us now your family" I smile at her statement and mumble a quiet thank you.

Elena walks over to our table and I sigh knowing whatever is about to happen won't end well.
"So you've turned full Mikaelson now. Ha well so much for family" she says smugly.
"You were never my family Elena, and it looks like you've turned the last of my family against me. If you don't get out of my sight in the next 3 seconds I will show you a true Mikaelson and tear your insides out through your eyeballs" I spit. After she scurrying back to the safety of dumb and dumber I turn to see my family with proud looks in their eyes.

After leaving the grill we went back to the Mikaelson mansion. We were all just shit talking when Kol turned to me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't read. "Darling we have all talked, your family to us now and we can't let you live in that filthy hotel any longer. So will you move in here". I was shocked to say the least. I lost all my words and all I could do is nod. Accepting my answer Kol hugged me tightly.

As I fell asleep that night beside Kol in my new house I felt at peace but it didn't last long. A loud bang rang through the mansion shaking us all out of our dreams. I quickly grabbed my combat bow I had hidden under our bed and made my way down the stairs. Apparently all of the vampires with superspeed were still daydreaming because I was the first one down stairs. I see the front door wide open and all of Scooby gang sitting in the living  room.

"What the fuck are you doing here" I shout making my presence known. At the sound of my voice the Mikaelsons rush to my side. Elena is the first to speak up.
"Leave this town Karina or I will kill you this is my last warning"she says trying to seem confident but I can see straight through her.
"If you could actually do any harm to me Elena you would have done so already. You and your little pets are all bark and no bite. Now please leave my home before i sic' marmaduke over here on to all of you" I say pointing to Klaus at the end with a devilish smirk dancing across my face. They all take my warning and leave not before making another so called 'threat'.

I fall back to sleep in kol's arms once again finding peace

Little Darling (Kol Mikaelson) [1] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now