Dec. 1st (3/3)

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Really short (filler) chapter.

I'm updating again later though.

Enjoy :).


"I don't approve."

Well damn.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because if he has to be your fake boyfriend, then he has to fake touch you. And I don't want anyone touching you." The older cooed into Caleb's ear sending a shiver up his spine.

He couldn't admit it, but that was hot. His raspy voice. The way he enunciated.


"But I can't leave him stranded."

"You and that kind heart of yours, baby. Gotta learn to dial it down sometimes." He leaned in to kiss Caleb. But instead was met with ... well ... nothing.

He opened his eyes and looked at the younger who glared bullets at him. "What?"

"Dial it down? You do realise that the ONLY reason why I'm in this apartment right now is because of my kind heart. If I was a bit more cruel and less-forgiving, I'd still be with Yuno right now. At least he seems to be a bit more, I dunno, sensible!" He paused.

"I'm sorry for actually having feelings."

Minho sighed. "I was just kidding, baby." He reached out to pull Caleb back down as he sat up. But the younger swatted his wrist away.

"Fuck off, dick. I'm gonna help Andrew out." He got out of the bed and headed to the bedroom door to walk out. "Oh yeah; and I heard you jerking off earlier!"

Then the door was slammed shut.

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