Entry # 42

47 1 0

Increasing dosage of pain killers, stress relievers, caffeine infusion

You're just overreacting, overthinking, that's not depression


Misdiagnosis, self-diagnosis try to check a psychologist


What are you saying, asphyxiation?
But there's too much air for inhalation!


My head hurts

You're just tired, get some rest!

My body hurts

You're just tired, get some rest!

Everything is spinning, I can't breathe

You're just tired, get some rest!

I want to die

You're just tired, get some rest!

What? You think I wouldn't know? I'm the mother!
Do you think I wouldn't have seen the signs? I'm the father!
Of course I'd be the first to know, I'm the sister!
She'd tell me if there's any problem, I'm the brother.

She was a very obedient child, I should have known!
She's a responsible kid, I should've seen the signs.
Why didn't she tell me? She tells me everything.
I thought I shouldn't worry- I was wrong.

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