The Inn

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He watched his prince out of the corner of his eyes. They rode along the old forest road, the sun lifting itself into the sky, though the leaves above them blocked most of its gentle rays. Legolas had held himself high for most of the trip so far, but the travel was wearing him down and Thaladir knew it. Legolas' shoulders had slumped ever so slightly. He frowned, but Legolas didn't notice.

"Let's stop somewhere tonight, Legolas," he said in a lowered voice. "The Ellyn could use a full night's sleep."

Legolas looked up at him, brow furrowed and eyes squinted against the shifting light as the breeze ruffled the leaves. "I don't know if that is the best idea," he said, turning his attention back to the road. "You never know who's watching in those places."

Thaladir gave a single nod. "I know, but I don't think anyone will bother us there. It will be safer than sleeping out in the open without the trees." But Legolas still seemed uneasy. Thaladir continued to talk to him, trying to get him to see how tired the soldiers were.

"They're exhausted, Legolas, as are you and I. They have barely been able to sleep these past few missions, there very little reason why we can't stay somewhere with beds tonight. We'll be on the ground for weeks after this."

Finally, Legolas nodded and looked up. He looked around at his ellyn and Thaladir followed his gaze. They were tired, dark circles have formed under many of their eyes and their shoulders had slumped slightly, though their eyes were wide, ready, almost waiting for an attack. Legolas looked back to the captain. "I'm sorry, you're right. We should stop at an inn for the night and get a little extra rest. It's going to be a long few weeks to come."

Thaladir let out a sigh of relief and turned the horses southward. It wouldn't be much of a detour to go through a village and they would have a better road from then on. The villages were few and far between and each one's population seemed to be dropping due to deaths and the occupants simply moving to get away from the shadow of the forest that lay so near, the once lush branches now reached out over the treeline, dead, as if waiting to sweep in its next victim.

Thaladir dismounted as night fell, telling his horse to stay put, then walked over to his prince as he struggled to stay upright. Legolas leaned against his animal, eyes closed as his back rose and fell will every shuttered breath he took.

Thaladir's gut churned at the sight. He knew why they were making this trip to the elven haven, but seeing it made it all too real. The prince had always been one to be back on his feet quicker than anyone should be.

Thaladir pushed that thought aside though when Legolas straightened and looked at him, giving a reassuring smile. Then he turned and walked into the nearest inn, asking for several rooms for him and his ellyn as well as stable room for the horses. Thaladir wondered at this at first until Legolas said he didn't want to risk the horses standing out there to fend for themselves, they were uneasy without the trees.

Several hours later, Thaladir sat on the bed before a fire. Legolas sat and leaned his head against the brick of the wall, closing his eyes. Thaladir bit the inside of his cheek as he watched him. He didn't like is. He tapped his foot against the floor until Legolas opened one eye.

"Do you mind?"

"What? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking."

Legolas shook his head and closed his eyes again. "I'll be fine, Tjaladir. I just need a break like everyone else."

Thaladir straightened, taking a deep breath. "I know. Lord Elrond is the best there is, or so I hear. I just..." his words trialed. He didn't want to admit his fears to his younger brother in arms.

"Speak," the prince said softly.

"I worry for you is all. The whole thing makes me uneasy. But enough of this. I'm going down for a drink. Would you like anything?"

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