two years worth a dream

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I wake up in a hospital with no one around me but my mom, dad, gauge, looking two years older. I also saw my older brother jonathan, who i hadnt seen in years. "M-mom, w-what happened?" i asked crying. "Omg kota!" mom came and gave me a huge hug. Along with my dad and my brothers.

I felt sick, cold, lonely, like something was missing. What it was i had no idea. But one thing missing from my room is zach, and the boys. Did they get hurt in the fire? Were they in hospital rooms along with me? "Mom is zach okay?" i asked sitting up after they all gave me hugs.

"Kota, zach... he was never here. Baby, he had to go on tour along with the boys. You were probably dreaming." mom said with a sad face. I felt the tears starting to fill up in my eyes.

I felt sadness take over me. I was back to my depressed self. I could feel it.

*a month later*

I sat in my room staring at my wall hoping i could be happy again. My friends and family were getting worried. I hadn't eaten or gone places. I didn't want to do anything. I felt, empty, like nothing was going to fill my emptiness.

I stood up shakily and stood in front of my mirror looking at my small, weak, and petite body. I started to cry thinking of how bad i was looking. I pulled my shirt up and looked at my stomach, all i could see were my ribs. I pulled my shirt back down and walked to the kitchen. My parents were working out of the house and gauge was at school. I looked at my phone and saw a message from an unknown number.


#: hey, what's your address?

Me: who is this?

#: it's zach duh.

Me: zach who?

#: jonah it's zach what is your address i'm going to be late.

Me: wrong number.

#: oh crap ok

Me: what's ur name again?

#: zach

Me: Zach what?

#: herron

Me: ...

Me: i gtg bye!

#: wait why?

#: hello?

#: can i get your name

Read 9:00am

I felt the urge to text him. But i didn't want him to be like hey you're the girl who was in a coma for two years. Cool. no i didn't want to be that girl. I wanted to be something else other than that.

I put my phone that was still buzzing from messages from him in my pocket of my joggers and i grabbed a bowl from the cupboard. I drug my feet across the floor to the fridge and grabbed the milk. I walked to our snack drawer and found the oatmeal. I mixed everything together and put it in the microwave for 1:00.

When it was done cooking i sat down on my couch and ate it in the quiet. I felt sick eating it so i stopped with only ⅕ of it gone. I threw the food away and i cleaned the bowl putting the dish away when i dried it.

I walked to my room and grabbed my bath towel. I grabbed a razor and was slowly deciding if i should do what i wanted to. I text zach telling him my name and remembered he wouldn't care, but he did.


Me: my name is dakota, i was the girl who went into a coma at the boise concert two years ago, i'm not doing well and i'm going to leave my phone on my nightstand. If my dream was half true you would know where i live. But it isn't. So goodbye

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