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Jimin's POV

I followed Taehyung out of the room not to fight him but to make sure he will not do something stupid.

"Kim Taehyung," I called him but he's not looking back.

"Taehyungah!" I pulled his forearm forcing him to stop and face me.

He's eyes are bloodshot and his lips are a shade of light purple from crying. He just looked at me in the eyes.

"Taehyungah, let's not be like this," all my anger subsided once I saw him cry earlier.

"Why Jimin? So you can shove it in my face that Hyun mi chose you?"

"Miah never chose me, you should know of all people that she won't choose anyone right now,"

"What happened in Maldives?"

"That was just sudden, I swear I tried to keep my distance because I thought she was dating you but I couldn't stop myself. I miss her so bad, you know how much I'm hurting until now,"

He sighed in defeat.

"You shouldn't be the one approaching me," he said.

"Why? Because I'm not Miah?"

"Because I am the one giving you both a hard time. Seeing you broke like that because of what I did made me think twice, it made me feel guilty. I shouldn't have done that. I know you hurt her so many times that's why I did that to save her from you but on the other hand, I did it too because of my selfishness," he sat down on the floor and leaned on the wall.

Some of the staffs who were passing by looked at us but left immediately.

"I know you are also having tough time Taehyungah, but I want you to understand that I make mistakes too. I got hurt too but because I wanted Miah to be happy, I let her stay with you. I never showed any retaliation when you came into my room when I was so depressed. I kept my anger in because I thought you don't know what's happening between us but hearing you say that makes my heart ache even more. You're my bestfriend Tae, I just wish you never did that,"

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I fucked up and tried to take Hyun mi from you,"

"You didn't know what you were doing because you were also inlove with her. I can't blame you,"

There was a long silence after what I said. We were given hot chocolate by Jungkook who passed by but he never said a word. I know he's mad at us too.

"You know Jimin, I think I understand why you liked her," he said after sipping on his hot chocolate.

My head turned to his direction and he smiled a little.

"She's different from all the other idols I met, from all the other girls actually. She's a natural, she kind of reminds me of you,"

"Nega?" (me?) I pointed at myself.

"Dae, (yes) she doesn't realize she attracts everyone around her. Her smile, her dimples, her giggles. Everything about her makes me feel at home,"

I know that feeling, she makes me feel at home too. She reminds me of home, her very presence reassures me that everything's going to be fine. That I'll be alright.

"I wonder how she was back in highschool, when you met her," he smiled again.

"She's still the same, only sassier. She did remind me of Jungkook when I met him when I came to train but never in my wildest dreams have I imagined that they were actually siblings. She liked me even when I was a nobody. With my chubbyness and naïveness. She only looked at me and adored me. I knew she hated being left but I wanted to pursue my dreams too and I don't even understand now why I left her just like that without explaining properly. That night when I left for Seoul, I followed them to the hospital, that's the first time I actually saw Jungkook. I stopped what I'm doing and never got to know what really happened. You were with her when she was still a trainee, how was she like?" I smiled at the memory.

"Oh that, she was a complete mess. Back then I never knew you and her had history. Everytime she gets drunk she tells story but leaves out your name. She cries in her dreams sometimes. She gets anxiety too because she feels like she's not doing enough, similar to what you're doing to yourself when you feel less. I always admire her once she plays the piano. And all my visits in America, she would always let me stay in her dorm even though she's not suppose to,"

I can now feel how deep Tae really feels towards her, his eyes shine whenever he speaks about her. His eyes trail to my ring finger and smiled again.

"I see you're still wearing her gift," he said.

"Yeah, I feel like I needed to wear this. These were always the words she say to encourage me whenever I'm so down and until now, it helps me deal with everything. It gives me hope that someday, everything between us will be fine," I smiled looking at the ring.

"I see," he responded. "She gave me gift once too, it was the keychain I have in my bag. She said having that charm fur ball on my bag will make it feel like I'm always with her. When I looked up what it represents, it was representing friendship. Kind of a good luck charm for a strong one" he laughed bitterly but then I can see that he still cherishes it because he still hangs that everytime he changes his bag.

"Taehyungah, I hope we still stay as bestfriends," I said looking at him.

"We are, look at what we're doing. We're having a good communication," he smiled at me. "But I can't promise you that I will be treating her normal. I still do love her," he continued.

"I understand. As long as she's still not choosing anyone, we'll both stay by her side,"

"Deal," he said and smiled at me.

It might not still be fine between me and Miah but atleast, I still got my bestfriend with me. And if the world allows me to have both, I'll gladly accept that.


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