No Thanks.

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The next day at school was awful. Luke gave me dirty looks every time he could and he wouldn't stop making little remarks about how weak I was. I wasn't the one mistreating someone for wanting to stay safe. Luke and his little friends stood outside again, this time with angry faces. Calum looked genuinely angry with me, too. I notice he has some bruises on his arms. They weren't too bad, but they were noticeable.

I try my best to walk away calmly, but this time Michael calls out. "He only asked you to come to the arcade with him." He taunts. I keep walking. "He just wanted to make you fit in, but you think you're too good for him." He sings. I purse my lips and keep walking. This time all of them walk up behind me and walk with me. "Come on, Addy. You can't ignore us all the time." Ashton laughs and puts a hand on my shoulder. I smack it away. They all make some sort of noise like a kid who just saw his friend break something important.

"Let me handle this, you guys." Luke says and pushes them all away. I speed up my pace, trying to lose him. Luke easily catches up.

"I'm sorry." he says. I stop dead in my tracks. "You're sorry?" I say. Luke nods. I scoff and keep on walking. "Please forgive me. I seriously promise you that I will never act like I did yesterday. I just wanna be your friend." he cries. I turn to face him.

"So, you wanna be my friend now? Why did you change your mind about trying to impress your little buds with trying to win me over?" I ask and cross my arms. Luke shrugs. "I guess you seem like a pretty cool girl. You're American, you're pretty..." he trails off and stares at me. I snap in front of his eyes and clear my throat. "Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered. But I really don't wanna get close to you. At all." I say and walk off. I can feel Luke's eyes on my back as I walk away, and my stomach hurts again. Why was I such a jerk all the time? All he wanted to do was to be my friend and I just shoved him away.

Maybe being rude was just his way of making friends...

AN: Agh what will Addy dooooooo

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