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Narrator's Pov
It's been three weeks and no one knew where Deborah went. Christina has the NYPD look high and low for her wife but it was like she vanished from the face of the earth. On the other side of town, Deborah was being tortured by her ex lover day in, day out. She's made several attempts to escape but only ended up right back where she started.



Her body trembled with pleasure as I feasted on her

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Her body trembled with pleasure as I feasted on her. She tried running away from me but she and I both know how much she wants it.

"Cum for me baby"

She shook her head no trying to fight back the urge to release. I rolled my eyes in response then bit her clit...that's when she squirted in my face. We went through this everyday...I make love to her, she protests, I get her close, she tries to fight it, I bite her clit, she squirts. This was beginning to become a routine.

"I really don't know why you try to fight it Debby. Get up and go take a shower, it's time for dinner."

"I'm not hungry"

"See I didn't ask if you were hungry sweet cheeks. Someday you're gonna learn that you're not in charge here."

"You're just like your mother"

I stopped walking and turned around. I know she didn't say what I think she said.

"What did you just say?"

"I said you're just like your mother"

"You better watch your mouth. I may love you but I won't hesitate to shut you up for good."

"Go ahead...do what you have to do. I'm sure you'll make your mother very proud to see her daughter finally came around. Just know that I don't love you...I will never love someone like you...I made that first mistake so I don't care if you want to kill me."

I was beginning to feel guilty as she spoke. I know what I'm doing is messed up but I can't turn back now. She brought this on herself.

"I don't care how you feel but you're gonna learn to love me again."

"I rather die"

"Be careful what you wish for. Now get up and go take a shower."

I quickly left the room before I cracked under pressure. I couldn't bare to look at her face much longer...not after what I did. I've lost my temper and made a mistake that I can't take back now her beautiful was destroyed because of me.

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