I promise I'll stop the sex talk!

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Sebastian held the dogs' leads while I pushed the double stroller. I made sure to do some lunges and squats throughout the walk, too - completely ignoring the swarms of paparazzi following us snapping any shot they could of us.

"So, tell me about this girl you met." I raised my eyebrows with a slight smirk.

"There's not much to tell, we just went out for a coffee. She was the makeup artist on  a shot I did a couple weeks ago and we just had a nice conversation. I don't really see it going anywhere." He shrugged his shoulders simply.

"Seriously? You said you had a nice chat." I pouted, stopping to do three quick squats in a row.

"Can you stop squatting for like two minutes and finish a conversation?" He laughed, pulling the dogs back softly as they tried to get over to other dogs across the field.

"If you're scared of looking like an idiot, then join me and we can be idiots together. Either way, I need to keep working out if I'm going to get back to how I was before the girls." I sighed, pulling myself back up from another lunge only to go down on the other leg.

"You look fine." He said with a roll of his eyes. "You talk about this all the time."

"I just want to look hot for when Tom gets back - the sex is going to be great." I smirked.

"Okay - you see - you're a little sister to me and I really don't need to know about your sex life." He cringed, his body shuddering dramatically.

"Stop judging me on my workout, there's already paps following us and getting pictures of my ass." I groaned, pulling myself up again.

"Why don't you just use the gym at home?" He asked, keeping an eye on the dogs as they tried to playfully bite each other's ears.

"Because." I grunted, pulling myself back up from the lunges. "I don't want to bring the girls into the gym with all the equipment and I can't leave them alone." I told him in a duh tone.

"Why don't you just leave the girls with someone for an hour or so?" He asked, trying to zip up His jacket with his free hand.

"Leave my girls so I can work out? That just sounds -can we just sit on this bench?  - it sounds selfish." I huffed, sitting on the park bench. "I mean, it would've different if Tom were here, we took it in turns and obviously he needed to work out more than me with the whole Spider-Man thing. So I never really got time to myself but-"

"Okay, Stop." Sebastian said, shaking his head before turning to look at me. "I'm down for the week, so take advantage. Go out for a drink or just have a nice bath." He bent down to scratch Peggy's ears. She sat down by his feet and leant into Seb's leg contently.

"Don't get me wrong, I'd totally trust you with them - but Luna's really fussy st the minute and Rory is really close to saying her first word,right princes?" I said, pulling the stroller closer even if it was only an inch. "We're going to say 'dada' aren't we? Dada."

"You really need to start socialising with adults again." Sebastian laughed, standing up and taking hold of the stroller.

"Where are you going?" I sighed, pushing myself up too.

"I'm taking my honorary-nieces out for the rest of the day and you're going to meet up with someone - anyone - and do something other than change diapers and watch Dora the Explorer."

"You can't be serious right - don't walk away from me!"

"Sorry I can't hear you? Too far away!"

                                  I stood from the table, taking both plates and putting them in the kitchen to wash them up later.

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