Part 3 - 11

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Creed groaned as he cracked his eyes open again. His body hurt, his head hurt. He didn't remember his head hurting when the woman had found him. He did vaguely remember stumbling with her to the hospital, and passing out in the lobby.

"Keep him under, and get that wound closed!"

"I need more sedatives, the heavy ones!"

"Seal that wound before he bleeds out!"

Voices rang in his head, shouting and barking orders. He couldn't see anyone. Couldn't see anything really, except a faint haze of light. He numbly felt pain in his abdomen, and became aware of the fact that there were tubes and wires running to his mouth, chest, and arms. He couldn't move, though, and didn't have the energy to fight it.

"Get that sedative over here! Put him under quickly."

Someone was barking orders again, and Creed moaned at the sharp pain the voice left in his head. These voices weren't like the others, they were calm and collected. He could hear the faint whispering of the others, but it was muted by the raging pain.

The the pain began to fade. Unsure how or why, he simply let it and gave in as the light faded to darkness again. The voices faded as well, and soon after, he fell unconscious again.

"Hey there."

The woman's voice met his ears before he ever got his eyes open, but Creed forced his eyes open when he heard her speak. He looked up dully, not entirely with it. The mechanical sounds of machines wheezing and buzzing around him distracted his attention for the moment. It became loud, pounding in his ears and adding to the raging headache that he already had.

"Hey, you okay?"

The overwhelm of sound faded when her voice came again. Creed blinked and swallowed, his throat dry. He looked up at her, though, not sure how to respond. He most certainly wasn't okay, but she already knew that.

"B-Better," he whispered hoarsely, watching her silently.

She nodded and smiled, then shifted to sit carefully to one side of the bed. "You know, it's not everyday people get to talk to someone like you," she said.

Creed cocked his head a tiny bit, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"A soldier of the Republic," she said. "The war hasn't reached this planet, thank goodness, so I've only ever seen guys like you on the news. Nasty stuff," she said, looking down and taking in a deep breath.

"O-Oh," Creed rasped. He followed her gaze down, trying to think through the haze of medication for something to say.

"W-What's your name?" he finally asked. It was far from original, but he wanted to know. She hadn't given it, to his knowledge.

Her gaze lifted and she met his. "Skylar Yeager," she said. "Yours?"

"C-Creed," he said, giving his name. It wouldn't be any use rattling off a number to her, she probably wouldn't remember him after this anyway.

"Creed, nice name. You like uphold the law or something?"

Cutting his eyes to the side, Creed looked down some, biting his lower lip. "Uh, sort of," he lied. He didn't uphold the law in anyway except that he had the same resentment for those who hurt other people. He'd probably broken more of the law than he'd upheld it, though.

"Sort of?"

Hearing her voice, Creed looked up at her again, wondering if he should tell her. He imagined that him telling her about his work as an assassin might not be the best idea, but if he said nothing he had a bad feeling she'd find out either way.

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