Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

I can't wait for the concert tonight! The adrenaline, the fans, and most importantly, Ashley. I've liked Ashley since around last year, but I know it could never happen. That's because he's dating CC, our drummer. Though, they haven't been very affectionate towards each other lately. I hope this means they'll break up soon. It sounds selfish, I know, but I can see that neither of them are happy. And it kills me to see Ashley anything but happy.

Even if Ashley might not be happy with CC, I know he doesn't like me, that's for fucking sure. He once told me that he loved me -- like a little brother he never had. I cried myself to sleep that night. Thank Lucy no one was awake late that night. Oh, I didn't mention yet, instead of saying god or gosh, I say Lucifer or Lucy. Just some info about me.

Anyways, I just wish that Ashley would break up with CC, for both of their sakes. I know CC doesn't love him anymore, he told me himself. But I don't talk to Ashley about them two that much, I know it kills him to talk about it. That's why I don't like "Cashley" that much. It hurts Ashley. I just think they would be better as friends.

Ashley's POV

I wish I had never gotten into a relationship with CC. Ever since we went on our first tour as a couple, he hasn't treated me the same. He acts like he doesn't love me anymore, and I think that's true. I also have these weird feelings when I'm around Andy.  Feelings I've never had before. I know it's wrong, since I'm still "dating" CC, but I think I'm falling for Andy. Hard. But I think the feeling is mutual. But before I do anything else, I need to talk to CC

"Hey C, can we talk?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, what's wrong?" He says, his voice monotonous.

Well..." I pause, thinking how to word it correctly, "I don't think this -us- is going to work out."

"What... what are you saying?" He replies, trying to fake emotion, but I know him too well for that shit to fool me.

"I think we would be better as friends, only friends."

"Oh, well I was hoping you would say that. I actually think that would be better for the both of us as well."

I was so relieved. That went Way better than expected.

"When should we tell the guys?" I ask.

"Why not now, get it done and over with?"

"That sounds good."

Thankfully, Janxx and Andy were on the couch watching -can you guess it- Batman! Holy Hello Kitty, I was NOT expecting that! *Rolls eyes sarcastically** CC walk in front of the TV, showing we have something important to say.

"Hey guys, can we talk?" CC says in an almost monotonous voice.

"Sure." The three say in unison.

"So, Ashley and I have been talking, and we decided that we would be better off as just friends."

"As long as you two are both happy with the decision, that's all that matters." Jinxx says after a few seconds of silence.

"I can't say I'm surprised, but as they say: 'when one door closes, another then opens'" Jake says soon after.

"Couldn't have said it better. Hey, why don't we go out for drinks or something, to clear our minds?" Andy adds in in his incredibly deep, soothing, sexy voice.

"Sure, why not?" We all collectively agree.

So we all go to the local bar and have a good time. But the next morning I would definitely regret.

Rebels' Love Song [ON HOLD]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt