Miss America- Oneshot [Captain America-The Avengers]

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Authors Note: This takes place prior to The Winter Soldier.

"Cap, wake up!" I heard a slurred and fogy voice from somewhere distant. "C'mon Steve, get back to earth" Said the same voice growing clearer.

"My head..." I said with a hoarse but pitchy voice, feeling both heavy and light at the same time.

"Finally" Said a relieved and oddly familiar voice.

I opened my eyes slowly, taking in a bright white ceiling and a strange sensation next to my face... A hospital I'm guessing, but what happened? Last thing I remember... What is this? My hand had instinctively traveled to my head to find some long strands of red hair, but what I saw next...

"Weird, ha?" Said... Me? Wait that looks like me, is it a reflection?

"Who are you?" I said sitting up straight, realizing that this body was just, not me.

"Technically I'm Natasha, but right now, I'm... You" I felt a swirl inside my head "Here, take a look" she (or me) said, handing me a mirror...

She was right, the first thing I saw was Natasha's face with perplexed expression; I even pinched my, well her face, to make sure I was not been played with.

"H-How on God's name?" I said in an alarmed voice, unlike mine.

"Quiet Cap... " She said motioning her head slightly to the upper corner of the room, where a camera rested "they don't know about the switch, and I don't know much about it either... But I got Banner to help us. I will explain what I know, as soon as we leave..." She said taking a bag from the chair next to my hospital bed "I have Fury's orders to take you out of here before someone else comes and questions you" she finished, handing me the bag "Put these on".

I nodded, unable to let my words scape in her voice; inside the bag I found, off course, girl clothes... Things were surely not getting better.

"Can you handle it? Or do you want me to dress you?" Apparently she was enjoying this much more than I was.

"I'll do it" said her voice; not only was disturbing to hear my thoughts and her voice, but to hear that suggestive tone in mine.

Sighing, I pulled the covers away and placed my feet on the cold ground; the sight of painted toe nails making me sigh again. As soon as I tried to stand up, my legs collapsed and for a small second I was prepared to meet the floor, but I was held up by my arms, now controlled by Natasha.

"Easy, you are not a super human anymore. That body takes a bit longer to recover... And after all, you've been sleep for a week" - did she just say week?

"A whole week?!" I said trying to straighten up, uncomfortably placing my new hands in my former biceps, while the grip she had around me was still strong... Seeing my body from this angle made me feel weak, like I hadn't feel in a long time.

"We'll have time to discuss that... Can you walk?" In a split second a memory of the battles I used to loose miserably came back.

"Yes" I said stubbornly taking a small step forward; her grip still holding me. Slowly I felt this legs connecting with me, growing stronger and less heavy, until I could finally walk to the bathroom by myself.

"Are you sure you don't want me in there?" She said, in a tone that would make Stark proud.

"I'm sure... and don't use that tone again please" I said closing the door, only to hear a small manly giggle outside.

I looked around the bathroom and lingered on the mirror above the faucet, trying to find myself in someone else's face. After a few moments I could see a spark of my blue eyes inside these green ones I was facing right now, and slowly the expressions I had right now started to resemble my old self, inside this new one. A sigh marked the end of my revelation and I started to take out the clothes from inside the bag: the first thing was a jeans, much tighter than my usual ones; then was a white sleeveless shirt...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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