Chapter 8

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Ashton slumped against the door letting the bleach blonde come in before him. He had a twisted smile on his face,obviously from the liquor he ingested. The blonde had on hot pink heels and denim shorts. Why is she wearing shorts in the winter?Madison looked over at the man and realized she never got his name.

He was looking over at the two with clear interest. He never removed his eyes from them as Ashton followed behind the blonde and closed the door behind the two. Neither of them seemed to notice the other couple only a few feet away. Ashton grabbed onto her hips and pushed her against the wall closer to the front door. Her heels scratched against the floor and at the sight of this Madison cleared her throat.

"Oh shit!" Ashton exclaimed and jumped back from the girl as though he had been caught cheating. " I keep forgetting you're here!"

"Yeah..." Madison said awkwardly. She seriously needed to have a talk with this boy. Although she had just met him she didn't like the fact he was bringing different  girls home everyday.
"Are you drunk? It's like 5pm!"

The man stood there silent eyeing the girl Ashton brought in.

"So....." Madison was the first to speak after a few seconds of silence. Ashton seemed to sober up really quick when no one knew what to say. The girl was standing with her back against the wall, rubbing her heels against her ankle. She seemed out of place and embarrassed. She probably wasn't used to being "caught in the act" you could say.

"Umm..Alison, I'll uhh...see you Friday ok?" Ashton said.

"Yeah" the girl mumbled and left the apartment, her heels clicking down the hall.
When the girl left Ashton stared to take in his surroundings. His eyes finally fell on the other man in the room.

"Who's this?" He asked nodding his head towards the man.

"Umm this is..." Madison started but couldn't finish because the man filled in the rest for her.

"Jay.I'm Jay" he reaches out his hand and Ashton took it in his and they shook hands.

These two seem to be getting along nicely

" So you're Madison's boyfriend?" Ashton asked

"Oh,n-" Madison started but was cut off by Jay speaking over her.

"Yeah. Yes I am." He walked over to the other side of the counter and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She couldn't help but cringe at his touch and try to draw away,but she thought it was better to let Ashton think that. So he wouldn't get suspicious of him being there,so she stayed in his arms.

Madison faked a smile and nuzzled into his side. Oh god

"Ok, mind if I sleep here for the night? I mean it is my apartment but you live here now. I cant really drive home, Alison drove me here." He seemed to sober up very,very quickly.

"Yeah,of course. I'll make your bed. Do you need some water? I'm acting like this isn't your apartment. Just...get comfortable." She found this as a reason to escape Jay's arms and head to Ashton's room. She grabbed her phone off the counter and walked into the room.

Her subconscious was telling her that leaving the boys in there was a bad idea,but she pushed that nagging voice to the back of her head.

She sat on Ashton's bed and dialed back the most recent number in her call list. The person picked up on the first ring and she noticed it was Matthew's voice. Before she could say anything he started talking.

"I was hoping you'd call back. I have a bad feeling about this guy. Where is he?"

"Th-the um kitchen right now." She answered.

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