Chapter 18: What The Hell Were You Thinking?

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Author's Note: Ryder's POV! I tried to make this like, really on spot, like in a way Ryder would think, so I hope I got it well. (:  

         “So how far have y’all gone?” Todd asks casually, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

          “What?” I reply, looking over at him.

       “You and McKenna. First base? Second? Third? Home Run?” He asks, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I chuckle, drinking my water, “Why?”

          “Just making casual conversation.”


Todd looks over at me, “Really?”

When I nod he says, “What with all of the sexual tension between you two, I would think you’ve already gone all the way.”

          “Nah, you know how McKenna is. She’s really…reserved.”

          “I do know for a fact she’s a virgin though.”

          “And you know this how?” I ask him.

        “Will, Jacob, and she were all talking about it in the kitchen like when she first got here and I heard them.”

       “They were talking about whether she’s a virgin or not?” I ask, raising my eyebrows, “That’s peculiar.”

          “No. I think she said she was tired or something and Jake was like, ‘Maybe you’re pregnant’, or something like that. And she made up some statistic about how the chances of her being pregnant are like zero in some really large number.”

I chuckle, McKenna’s so cute. I can imagine her being all embarrassed and red faced. “Well I guess that’s good to know.”

          “You think y’all are going to?”

I shrug, “I don’t know. Probably not. She’s leaving in eight weeks.”   

Todd nods, “That’s true.”

I hear a pair of light footsteps coming down the stairs, and I know its Hailey, because she’s so small. “Hello brothers.” She greets us.

          “Hey.” Todd and I say in unison.

Hailey walks towards the door and says to me, “I’m gonna get McKenna from work.”

I wrinkle my forehead in confusion. “Uh, why?”

          “Because we have busy to handle.”

          “Should I be worried?”

          “Absolutely not.” She promises.

         “Alright then.” I say, leaning back into the couch. As Hailey leaves, Todd says, “You know they’re up to something.”

I nod, “Yeah I know, but they don’t like each other, so I mean that’s what’s throwing me off.”

          “They’re probably gonna go get manicures or something like that.”

          “Yeah, probably.”


Three hours later, its 5:00, and McKenna and Hailey still aren’t back. The fact that the two don’t really like each other kinda worries me. I mean, I know she’s a big girl and she take care of herself, but I love her, ya know. I’ve loved her for ten years. Ten years. Do you know how hard it is being in love with a girl you see once a year for only about two months? No you probably don’t, so I’ll tell you. It’s really hard. And plus I mean, I only saw her from like when she was like two months old until she was ten years old. But then she shows up here seven years later. The funny thing is she still looks the same as she always has, and even after ten years she still has some of those annoyingly adorable habits that she has. Like when she’s lying, she looks down at the ground, and her voice goes up an octave when she speaks. Or when she’s sad she blinks really fast. But I mean, that’s what makes her her, and I love her.

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