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The engine's low hum was the only noise disturbing the cemetery like silence of the skies. I was firmly suited in Bones, drifting above the clouds, just outside of the airspace belonging to Wakanda. My head turned to see the fleet of commandeered ships come whizzing into view.

Zia was in the center, a cold smile lighting her face aflame. I nodded to her once, and then let my gaze drift back to the clouds shrouding me from view. I pushed higher, seating myself just at the edge of detection, then changed my mind and descended below the clouds. Zia followed, the machines right behind her. They moved in tandem, filling in the open spaces with ease. 

Voices belonging to Iris and Rhymes came through the radio, forcing all my attention to the couple walking down the main street in Wakanda. They held a certain level of familiarity, their heads close together in a deep discussion. The male was easy to identify, T'Challa, and the woman could be no one other than Nakia. Her body language screamed attraction, T'Challa was more relaxed, as if he walked with a friend.

My upgraded suit ran a quick analysis of the people near them. They were all children, young women and a few male farmers. The interface in my suit came alive, bringing up a live feed of Iris. Her hair was pulled back and she wore a look of total determination on her face. Rhymes stood to her right, his arms crossed against his chest, with a deep frown pulling down his eyebrows.

"You ready, Mira?" I cracked a smile at her, feeling adrenaline shoot through my veins. "More ready than I've ever been."

"I still don't think this is right, Mira." I made sure my smile stayed firmly on my face, despite Rhyme's obvious displeasure. "How does this make you better than them? How does what you're doing make sense? Since when has vengeance ever been the answer?"

I scoffed, glancing downward again. The couple had stopped and were facing each other at the end of the street. Beyond them stretched green grass and low rolling hills. Children ran freely up and down the slopes, their smiles a sweet indication of their laughter. It made my heartache. There were smiles and peals of laughter that I longed to hear, but never would. 

In all honesty, I had never truly questioned myself if this was the right course of action. The definition of "right" could be defined in many different ways. Ending someone else's life, someone I used to love, who had wronged me deeply, was natural. Emotions once tied to love had been redistributed and repurposed, firmly and totally dedicated to the downfall of the king and prince of Wakanda.

"Would you let anyone treat you in the manner that I was treated?"

Rhymes sighed, his arms came loose and dropped to his side. His was at war with himself, fighting to answer the question not only with honesty, but delicately enough to attempt to change my mind. It wouldn't matter, the decision had been made and their deaths would come by my hand and my hand alone.

"Depends on the circumstances."

"Oh." I raised an eyebrow, "so now we are changing the circumstances."

"No." He denied, "despite what you may say, you love them, Mira. If their was no love between you those men I wouldn't speak a word, but we both know that you love them."

"Loved." I ground out, "I loved them, as in past tense."

"Maybe for T'Challa," Rhymes argued, "but you'll never get over Erik. It doesn't matter what he does. You'll always want him. And you know why..." I dared him to finish silently, "because he's more like you than you care to admit."

"I don't have time for this." His words stirred anger within me. How could I be like that man? He had done nothing but cause harm, to me and to everyone else around us. Bringing destruction and malice into my life that was cleverly disguised as "love". I had fallen for that trick once, I wasn't going to make that mistake ever again. "If you aren't going to help, then do me a favor: get out of my face!"

Not My King ✔ [Black Panther Fan-Fiction][Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora