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-Secret Location-

In an underground base there was a gathering of super villains. At a planning table was the newly reformed Secret Society. At the head of the table was Gorilla Grodd a large dark haired ape from the hidden Ape City. He was their only criminal and outcast who was a super genius by human or ape standards.

There was Giganta a tall beautiful red head in a pink toga with the ability to grow in size. She had been part of the first Society. There was also Killer Frost another original member. She was a pale Goth girl with a blue costume with ice powers, and dark hair spiked down over her face that ended right before her eyes. She was here because she enjoyed killing and knew she would have plenty of opportunity with the Society again.

Another old member was The Shade. A skinny man in black and gray clothing with a black top hat, cane and glasses. His power was to make living shadows that engulfed and blinded others. He wasn't sure about coming back to this since every time he had joined with a team they normally got their butts kicked and was sent back to prison.

Two new members were Livewire. The woman was pale with spiked up light blue hair and skintight black body suit with a lightning bolt cut down the center of the chest on the suit. She had electrical powers and a wild behavior. The other was Deadshot a mercenary with a red and silver body suit, full mask with targeting enhancement over his right eye and weapons on his wrists and belt.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming and for those of you trusting in me enough to try the Society once more." Grodd said to everyone at the table.

"Well I'm still not sure about this. The last time even though we nearly did defeat the League, now in case you haven't noticed ever person in a cape, tights or spandex is now a member." Shade said to him.

"I'll admit that taking on the entire League would be normally impossible." Grodd told him. "But if you can not confront your enemy directly then we must do it indirectly."

"What do you mean by that ape-boy?" Livewire asked him.

He scowled at her but continued on. "I once made a device that enhanced my mind to take over an entire city. But I have a better idea." He activated an image on a screen on the wall next to them. It was of a diagram of a machine. "This is a much more powerful version of that machine and with it I can target selected individuals anywhere on the planet."

"So what?" Deadshot asked him, he didn't really care he was getting paid but he was interesting in knowing what the job was. "You going to take over a country or something?"

"Nothing so cliché." He said to him. "With this I will control every single hero on the face of the planet. With them we can conquer the world and there will literally be no one to stop us."

"Using the heroes to take over the world huh?" Killer Frost asked and then smiled. "Kinky."

"So why do you need us?" Shade asked him. "Why not just build the damn thing already?"

"Because my good man." Grodd said to him leaning forward on the table. "There are certain items I need that I can't get to by myself. So I need your help in not only stealing the devices but also to make sure no one interferes with the thefts."

"So what's first on the list?" Deadshot asked him.

Grodd smiled. "I'm glad you asked."

-Central City-

An elderly couple visiting Central City was enjoying their time seeing the sights of Central City. "See I told you this was better then Metropolis." The man said to his wife with a camera.

Justice League: The SpiderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang