Chapter 7

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I knocked in his door before opening it. He's there standing infront of his drawer full of ties trying to decide which one to wear. When he looked at me, he rested both his hands on the opened drawer leaning in. His whole weight pushed on the drawer as he let out a long sigh. His gaze fixated on me.

His eyes shamelessly scanned my body and he looked away just to regain his composure. It could be the dress.

"We're going to this social events party. I know I won't be safe in there so I want you to come along as my date,"

"I don't have my gun with me sir," I said.

"You won't need a gun. As long as you know how to fight hand in hand. I don't want someone to die tonight," he said.

He brought out a red velvet box and walked to me. When he opened it, my brow perked up in confusion. It's an engagement ring. He took it off the box and slid it on my ring finger.

Don't fucking tell me you're proposing?

"Wear this to that event. If anyone approaches you, just tuck your hair in your ear with this left hand. That way, you'll be sending subtle message that you're already engaged. No one will hit on you," oh okay, good thing I wasn't saying that out loud. It would be embarrassing.

"This fucking dress will only be took off by me," he said in a low voice.

My breathing stopped and I think I heard that wrong.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked him who's now back to choosing his tie.

He's not answering me so I walked to where he is. I picked up the silver tie and handed it to him.

"This one is better," I said.

He turned to me and handed me the tie gesturing me to tie it around his neck. I wanted to roll my eyes so bad but I don't think that'll help with him undressing me so I kept my attitude to myself.

He's just looking at me the whole time. He's stare is so unnerving. How does he keep on doing this to people?


We arrived at the venue and was immediately greeted by the host.

"Good evening Mr. Park and Ms.—" his eyes trailed to my body obviousky checking me out, his eyes dropped to my finger and ofcourse the presence of the ring says it all.

"Ms. Kim," Jimin answered for me.

The host regained his composure and apologized. He led us to where I assume is the pack of rich people. I can sense it because everyone here looks plastic as hell. My earpiece is hidden by my long hair.

"Seven, can you hear me?" Jin asked. They're at home watching everything I do, thanks to the camera installed in this necklace.

"Dae," I whispered.

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