Multiple Orgasm: Is It Real?

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Multiple orgasm means having several orgasms during one intercourse. Every woman has this ability, but not all are able to use it.

Multiple orgasms can be called the pinnacle of sexual pleasure. Getting there requires effort and practice.

First, you need a psychological setup. It is important to be attuned to the idea that such pleasure is available to you. You also need to learn to listen to your body and explore your erogenous zones.

Continuous arousal is one of the main conditions for achieving multiple orgasms. Here, a lot depends on the partner.

Your partner should not stop caressing you after your first orgasm.

Often after orgasm, the genitals become sensitive and further touch becomes painful. In this case, one can stimulate other erogenous zones (the clitoris, the G-spot, the chest, the neck, etc.)

To reach multiple orgasms, the sensitivity of the vagina is important. You can increase it by doing Kegel exercises to train the vaginal muscles.

- Flo Health Insights

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