The perfect life

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Finn's p.o.v.
"It's ok I'll see you soon enough. I'll probably see you like tomorrow cause I'm gonna miss you so much I won't be able to stay away. And I'll call you tonight." I say smiling at her.

"I think I can deal with that." She says then kisses me again then let's go of me and starts walking to her car. "I love you!" She says again turning back.

"I love you more!" I say back smiling.

"Yeah right!" She replies then gets into her car.

{1 week later}
Rachel's p.o.v.
I look into my vanity mirror and just breath in and out to steady my shaky breath.

You'll be fine Rachel. You've done this plenty of times before. You're a natural at this. You live, sleep, and breath this role.

I say trying to calm myself down but nothing is helping. This is my first show back as fanny in over a month and I'm terrified. What if I forget a line or even worse a lyric...

I know I've done this so many times before but what if my understudy was better than me and people want her more than me now?! I don't know what I would do with myself if that happened. I feel like I'm literally having a panic attack. I put my head in my hands trying to calm myself. I have no clue what's wrong with me. This has never happened before.

I hear a knock on my door. Ugh really. I don't need another producer or stylist to come into my room right now. I reluctantly get up and open the door.

"I'm here to see Rachel Berry."

"Finn!!" I shout and jump into his arms. "I didn't know you were coming!" I say excitedly.

"You didn't think I would miss my girlfriends first show back did you?" He says giving me flowers. I smile and kiss him.

"Thank you. I really needed you." I say. He notices the nervousness in my face.

"Hey, you're gonna kill it. You were made for this and you can do this musical in your sleep. But if you get nervous just look at me. I'll be in the front row cheering you on." He says running his hand up and down my back. lol

"Thank you." I say to him feeling so much better.

"Of course. Now I'm gonna go get my seat but don't worry, you'll do great." He says kissing my cheek then leaving. I smile to myself contently. I put the flowers on my vanity then walk out of my room to take my place behind the curtain.

I breath in and out as my heart beats faster and faster. I look down at my feet as the curtain raises. Suddenly the spotlight hits me and I look up as the crowd roars. I look down and see Finn smiling and clapping probably the loudest out of everyone. I smile.

I'm home.

For what ever my man is
I am his forever more!

I belt out my last few notes as the tears stream down my face and I close my eyes. The crowd is silent for a moment after I finish but then suddenly they start clapping and shouting. I open my eyes and see everyone standing on their feet. I smile then take my final bow and run off the stage as they continue cheering.

I get to my dressing room and throw myself onto my couch.

"I did it." I say smiling.

"And I'm so ready to do it again." I say getting giddy about the fact that I'm back to my life here and playing Fanny a couple times everyday.

I get up and take my wig and costume off.

"Hey Rachel we have tons of people at the stage door tonight happy to see you if you're up for it." Quinn says peeking into my room.

"Of course!" I say collecting all my things and then walking up my security guard who leads me out. Once he opens the door and I step out from behind him , all I see is people screaming and crying of happiness. There had to be over a hundred people out here.

"There hasn't been this many people here since you left." Quinn says in my ear over the screaming fans. I smile to myself then hand her my bags.

"Hey guys!" I say waving and going over to the far end of the gate and slowly making my down to the other side signing and taking pictures with everyone. As I'm signing the last couple people and posing for pictures I see out of the corner of my eye Finn leaning up against the theater wall patiently waiting for me. I smile quickly at him then turn back to the fan I'm taking a picture with.

I get to the last person.

She pulls out her phone and we take a quick selfie then she looks at me.

"You were exceptional tonight Rachel. I saw you on your opening night so when I heard you were coming back I bought my ticket right away. You are such a great performer. Thank you for everything." She says happily.

"Thank you. You are so sweet!" I say then hug her. "Thank you for coming." I say then I finally see Finn there.

"Rachel I'm your biggest fan. You are the best performer I've ever seen." He says.

"Oh thank you. You are just the cutest!" I say jokingly laughing then I hug him. I let go and hear everyone's aww's and see them taking pictures and videos of us. I laugh then link my arm with Finn's and grab my bags from Quinn.

"Bye everyone!" I say waving then walking away with the most handsome man on my arm and hearing my fans shouting goodbye to me.

"You were amazing tonight." I hear Finn say then I feel him kiss my cheek.

"I love you."

"Not as much as I love you."

Yep, my life is perfect.

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